Apple Watch

What's interesting is how they still get the massive coverage in the press.

There's nothing really new, but regardless what newssite you open (even the non-tech ones) you often find multiple (!) articles about Apple today...
How would you feel if someone said "The Pyra isn't really anything new, just a Pandora/N900/laptop/Novena/smaller/iControlPad/whatever with a new processor"? Yet I hope we get even a fraction of that coverage :p

Why don't we release a DragonWatch? Full keyboard and dual analog sticks.
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I'd agree with him, as the Pyra is a successor of the Pandora. I don't see it as something new, just as an evolution.

It has some new ideas though, like the replaceable CPU board in a mobile device, but apart from that, it's nothing unexpected new (and I never marketed as such ;) )
What the hell. Marketing speech rarely makes much sense, but they've hit a new low. From that last promo video:

"By creating iPhone6 and iOS8 together, we've optimized the physical design to enhance software features. The coverglass extends beyond the top surface to seamlessly join the aluminium unibody. The result is hardware and software defining a truly singular experience."

How is that supposed to make sense? If you think about it, those sentences are basically saying the following: "By shipping our hardware with software, the hardware enhances the software. Our hardware looks very sexy. As a result, the software runs really well on it."

Ugh. People who buy this stuff based on such videos, deserve this stuff :)
What ticks me off is that my sister (an Apple sheep and a Malaysian Airlines flight ticket holder) is really considering getting an Apple Watch after watching (no pun intended) those ridiculous vids. SMH

You mean the ladies version of the Apple Watch, which has an even more ridiculously small screen to enter text on. Good luck to her, she will need it to see anything on that screen.
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You mean the ladies version of the Apple Watch, which has an even more ridiculously small screen to enter text on. Good luck to her, she will need it to see anything on that screen.
Maybe they'll release the iMonocle next.
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I heard that apple gets its crazy and biased coverage because anyone who talks badly about their products gets put on a shit list.  This means they have zero access to any of their devices to give a preview before the sale date when it is huge click bait.  So noone speaks poorly of them when the iphone 6 is behind the 8 ball when it comes to features and innovation.

Bloody smart move by apple and I just wonder when people will wake up to this shit.  It's a phone I have no idea how people get so happy/sad about them. I would much rather spend that kind of cash on something productive or actually fun rather than a slight incremental upgrade of something which everyone uses as a shitty video player/web browser.
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I think the "Watch" is an intermediate product. Eventually they'll merge the iPhone and it into one product line when flexible(and transparent) screen tech has improved to the point to where you can just clasp a phone onto your wrist like a bracelet.  
There's nothing really new, but regardless what newssite you open (even the non-tech ones) you often find multiple (!) articles about Apple today...
Bunch of MacFans waking up at the same time of the year... and since lots of casual users have Apple devices nowadays they all feel concerned by it. Pathetic really.