Any chance this can be modified to support the d-pad as a joystick? I've been playing Karateka (isnpired by Jordan Mechner's 'Making of Prince of Persia' book) and I can't run, the up-right diagonal doesn't seem to work. Could be my nub maybe but I don't think so, maybe the dead-zones aren't quite right?
Anyway, D-Pad would be better for digital joystick control, I think. Great emulator BTW!
As someone already commented, there was only an analog joystick for the Apple ][. However, you could map the keyboard keys to the d-pad and the buttons which would then behave more like a digital joystick:
Keyboard Mappings:
Q - PUNCH TO HEAD (A Button)
A - PUNCH TO BODY (X Button)
Z - PUNCH TO LEG (L Shoulder Button)
W - KICK TO HEAD (Y Button)
S - KICK TO BODY (B Button)
X - KICK TO LEG (R Shoulder Button)
Left - Move Left (L D-PAD)
Right - Move Right (R D-PAD)
This could be done as follows (changes in red). Also, remember the disk needs to be named EXACTLY the same as what you put in the custom keyboard section in the linapple.conf.
# Custom Keyboard Mapping
# Map the following Keys using ASCII values (ex: A-Z = 65-90)
A Button = 0
B Button = 0
X Button = 0
Y Button = 0
R Button = 0
L Button = 0
U Keypad = 0
D Keypad = 0
R Keypad = 0
L Keypad = 0
Karateka.dsk - A Button = 81
Karateka.dsk - B Button = 83
Karateka.dsk - X Button = 65
Karateka.dsk - Y Button = 87
Karateka.dsk - R Button = 88
Karateka.dsk - L Button = 90
Karateka.dsk - U Keypad = 32
Karateka.dsk - D Keypad = 66
Karateka.dsk - R Keypad = 21
Karateka.dsk - L Keypad = 8
############ >>> CUSTOM DISK BASED CONTROL SECTION ENDS HERE <<< ###########