Was there any significant difference between the O2 and the O3 compiled versions? At this point, I suspect not.
I was going to make a PND once I thought I had a handle on how to put one together and had time to do it.
I have seen ZERO difference between the O2 and O3 versions. Clocking the CPU at 750 Mhz smoothed out the emulator *immensely*.
I was using this as a guide:
Making a PND
I made a couple of PNDs that launch the app correctly but don't include sound (I suspect it will need some libraries, and installing ldd keeps failing...). Also, I am not sure how to get it to look in appdata/linapple for the disks, and when I do actually load a disk and boot, it quits immediately. This is probably tied to one of these issues.
I do have a nice icon made! heh
Here is the PXML.xml I am using:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<PXML xmlns="http://openpandora.org/namespaces/PXML">
<application id="linapple" appdata="linapple">
<title lang="en_US">Apple ][</title>
<description lang="en_US">linapple for the OpenPandora!</description>
<version major="1" minor="1" release="0" build="0" />
<exec command="./linapple.sh" background="true" standalone="true" />
<author name="beom beotiger" website="http://linapple.sourceforge.net/" email="beotiger@mail.ru" />
<icon src="icon.png" />
<category name="Emulator">
</PXML>and the shell script loader:
export HOME=/mnt/utmp/linapple
./linappleand the icon:
Icon removed by lunixbochs - it causes Google to mark this page as malware and doesn't exist anyway.
Feel free to expand on this... This is my first PND, and I am sure I am missing something.