Apple ][ Emulator For Pandora

Thanks for that emulator! The Apple ][+ was my second computer back in my younger days (right after a TRS-80 Model 1) and being able to play Rescue Raiders and Crisis Mountain again on the Pandora after all these years puts a big smile on my face... :-)
bzfrank said:
Thanks for that emulator! The Apple ][+ was my second computer back in my younger days (right after a TRS-80 Model 1) and being able to play Rescue Raiders and Crisis Mountain again on the Pandora after all these years puts a big smile on my face... :-)

Haha awesome! It was my first real computer back in my younger days. We had a TRS-80 Model 1 at school, but I never owned one. This was probably the #1 reason I was looking forward to the Pandora when I saw the keyboard...

Personally, I have been on a Lode Runner, Dino Eggs, and Aztec binge for the past 3 days. :)
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Just tried Ultima IV.. Works ok but had problem getting it to start. Once I mounted disk 1 and disk 2, I had to press Function F2 to start. Is that correct ?
Also I did not hear any sound. Should there be ?

Thank you,
Eisner said:
Just tried Ultima IV.. Works ok but had problem getting it to start. Once I mounted disk 1 and disk 2, I had to press Function F2 to start. Is that correct ?
Also I did not hear any sound. Should there be ?

Thank you,

Yes - you need to mount the disk(s) with F3/F4 and then F2 to basically boot it. Sound should work fine. I have not had any issues aside from the occasional hiccup and stutter that can be mitigated by raising the clockspeed of the Pandora. Have you tried activating the Mockingboard from the Ultima IV menu[(A)ctivate, (O)ne, (3) Mockingboard A or C, (4) Enter a number between 1-7] ? Does sound work in other games? If so, it might be your disk images?
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Seemed to work this time.. Not sure why the sound was not before.. I am just getting the sound effects. I thought there was music also but maybe that was just the Commodore version ?
Should there be a tune playing.. Cannot remember on the Apple][

I forgot how aggressive the guards are when you attack towns people. lol

JerryBlade said:
Eisner said:
Just tried Ultima IV.. Works ok but had problem getting it to start. Once I mounted disk 1 and disk 2, I had to press Function F2 to start. Is that correct ?
Also I did not hear any sound. Should there be ?

Thank you,

Yes - you need to mount the disk(s) with F3/F4 and then F2 to basically boot it. Sound should work fine. I have not had any issues aside from the occasional hiccup and stutter that can be mitigated by raising the clockspeed of the Pandora. Have you tried activating the Mockingboard from the Ultima IV menu[(A)ctivate, (O)ne, (3) Mockingboard A or C, (4) Enter a number between 1-7] ? Does sound work in other games? If so, it might be your disk images?
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This is by far the most anticipated emulator for me. Just one word - "Awesome".

There is small thing that would improve a lot usability for me. I would like that the pandora digital joystick keys and the ABXY are mapped to keyboard keys. Many of the games work best that way. For instance I would love to map Left/Right/Up/Down to IJKM and ABX to Ctrl/P/Return for instance. That way I would be able to play some games much more convenient than it is now.

Once more thanks for the great job of porting this!
I have actually been working on this, but since it is completely different than how the emulator routines are coded, it's not such a simple change. I am trying to come up with an elegant solution that doesn't require rewriting all of the keyboard and joystick emulation code.

All of the IJKL games would be great using the d-pad, etc... I totally agree.
JerryBlade said:
I have actually been working on this, but since it is completely different than how the emulator routines are coded, it's not such a simple change. I am trying to come up with an elegant solution that doesn't require rewriting all of the keyboard and joystick emulation code.

All of the IJKL games would be great using the d-pad, etc... I totally agree.

I am glad that you are also agree how useful it would be to remap D-pad and other keys, and also that you are already looking into it. Please post here if you manage to find a solution.
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New Update:

Added the ability to map ABXYRL and the Joypad to any ASCII Keystroke via linapple.conf

NOTE: Delete your linapple.conf for it to load the new one in its place.

Alternately, you can just add this section to your existing linapple.conf:

# Custom Keyboard Mapping
# Map the following Keys using ASCII values (A-Z = 65-90)
A Button  = 85
B Button  = 79
X Button  = 0
Y Button  = 0
R Button  = 0
L Button  = 0
U Keypad  = 73
D Keypad  = 75
R Keypad  = 76
L Keypad  = 74

This is an example with Lode Runner "IJKL UO" keys loaded

Enjoy :)
New Update:

Controls can now be disk based. So, you can have IJKL-UO for Lode Runner mapped to the d-pad and two buttons, and some other control scheme to another. If the disk section is not defined in linapple.conf, it grabs the default one.

NOTE: Delete your existing linapple.conf for it to load the new one with the added control functionality. For instructions on how to use this, please refer the the linapple.conf in the PND.

Enjoy! :)

Hit F1 for instructions on how to operate the emulator.

For OpenPandora linapple version
Disk specific control sections of the config file can now be used. Please see linapple.conf for details

For OpenPandora linapple version
Added the ability to map ABXYRL and the Joypad to any ASCII Keystroke via linapple.conf


Here is what linapple.conf would look like with IJKL-UO mapped to the D-Pad + AB for Lode Runner.dsk
# Custom Keyboard Mapping
# Map the following Keys using ASCII values (ex: A-Z = 65-90)
A Button  = 0
B Button  = 0
X Button  = 0
Y Button  = 0
R Button  = 0
L Button  = 0
U Keypad  = 0
D Keypad  = 0
R Keypad  = 0
L Keypad  = 0
Lode Runner.dsk - A Button  = 85
Lode Runner.dsk - B Button  = 79
Lode Runner.dsk - X Button  = 0
Lode Runner.dsk - Y Button  = 0
Lode Runner.dsk - R Button  = 0
Lode Runner.dsk - L Button  = 0
Lode Runner.dsk - U Keypad  = 73
Lode Runner.dsk - D Keypad  = 75
Lode Runner.dsk - R Keypad  = 76
Lode Runner.dsk - L Keypad  = 74
I was trying this out the other day--how do you set it up to play games that used a joystick on an Apple II machine? Can it be done?
naples39 said:
I was trying this out the other day--how do you set it up to play games that used a joystick on an Apple II machine? Can it be done?

Absolutely. You need to make sure that both a joystick is enabled and the buttons are mapped to pandora buttons. The default linapple.conf should come set up like this:

#	Joysticks, those sticks of joy! There may be 2 joysticks at the same time
#	0	- joystick disabled
#	1	- use PC joystick #1 or #2, for corresponding joystick
#	2	- Keyboard standard <depreciated on Pandora>
#	3	- Keyboard centered <depreciated on Pandora>
#	4	- Use mouse as a joystick. Rather interesting thing, try it. Useful in Fantavision(tm)

	Joystick 0	=	1
	Joystick 1	=	0

#	Joystick Buttons can be configured as follows:
#	0	- button disabled
#	1	- A Button
#	2	- B Button
#	3	- X Button
#	4	- Y Button
#	5	- R Button
#	6	- L Button

	Joystick Button 0	=	1
	Joystick Button 1	=	3
	Joystick Button 2	=	4

This means that the left nub is the first Joystick, and it uses A & X for the two joystick buttons. If you do not see these sections in your linapple.conf, you have an "old" version. I would suggest deleting your existing one from the appdata/linapple directory so that the emulator will replace it with a fresh default one.

Also, once you get that working, you can have a different setup for each disk you load.

Hope that helps!

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Thanks. I will try it tonight. I need to try some Apple II Galaxian and Stick Bear Basket Bounce, the only games I had when my dad wouldn't get me a Nintendo!
I can move around with the left nub fine after selecting the joystick in the game menu, but no luck on the joystick buttons. My .conf file is like your example, which is default anyway. Anything else I'm forgetting to do?
naples39 said:
I can move around with the left nub fine after selecting the joystick in the game menu, but no luck on the joystick buttons. My .conf file is like your example, which is default anyway. Anything else I'm forgetting to do?

It looks like I broke joystick buttons with the latest update <eep!>. I am working on it now and will have a fix up shortly :)
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JerryBlade said:
naples39 said:
I can move around with the left nub fine after selecting the joystick in the game menu, but no luck on the joystick buttons. My .conf file is like your example, which is default anyway. Anything else I'm forgetting to do?

It looks like I broke joystick buttons with the latest update <eep!>. I am working on it now and will have a fix up shortly :)

Ok - it's fixed, and a new version is up on the repo. Let me know how that works for you. Thanks!
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Working good now. Thanks!

Now the question is do I make a config for Oregon Trail....
Wow nice, the button mapping work very well for me. Now I'm able to play the two favorite games!

There is a small glitch though: I can't use ctrl combinations with key pad. Ctrl with the normal keyboard works thought. Also it would be very nice if one could map for instance CTRL to A/B/X... That way "ctrl-j" would be R-left for instance. Yeah the "Robot Odyssey" has maybe one of the most complex controls of all apple 2 games...

Thanks for the awesome work so far!