Anyone know the name of THIS game?

GP32 Kirby

May 30, 2003
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If anyone remembered I posted about if anyone knew the name of two games, but I forgot about mentioning the third and fourth one I was gonna ask about at the time. I'm back and it's in mind now, so here goes...

The game is really old, I cant remember what machine it was for (I was too young to remember) but the idea was pretty simple; you are a green guy (I think it was green :P) and you simply have to jump up through moving gaps on the multiple floors on the screen in order to get towards the top of the screen. If I remember correctly, letters spelling something or whatever (cant remember) were at the top, and you need to touch one, then head back to the bottom, go to the top to touch another, go to the bottom and so on. I know it sounds crazy but this is as I remember it, but again I'm not sure as I was very young..

This game is also for a really old computer (probably the same one the other game was), and I cant exactly remember what you have to do, but I think you had to collect money bags around the level. I cant remember the obstacles or hazards in the game though or if there was more to it, so that's pretty much everything I can remember in detail, sorry :(

If anyone can remember the name of these games I'd be glad to hear. Also fill me in on what computer it was for too cuz I have no clue what they were on

EDIT: Damnit, why cant you edit post titles on this thing? Or at least delete the post and redo it? <_<

the 1st game sounds like "jumping jack flash" i used to play it on the speccy

not sure about the other tho - sorry
No2 could be Glilligans Gold by Ocean??? I was also on the C64 version of Softaid, had a neat little tune at the begining.

Rock On
It seems that there are games for the GP32 (not emued) that are exactly like both of your descriptions. #1 is some game that I forgot the name of but someon should be able to tell you and #2 is Giri-Giri Walker :)
It would help if you could remember which system those games were on...

The start of the 1st game description does sound like 'Jumping Jack' on the spectrum which was an awful game. Not sure about the collecting letters stuff.

I made a remake of an old BBC Micro game called 'Bouncing Bill', it is like 'Jumping Jack' except i used to really like playing it.

My website is b0rked at the moment as i need to find a new host where i don't have to pay too much for people downloading my free games. Anyway you can still get my game 'Bouncing Bill 2' @ gp32spain.

click on Archivos '1'

I don't think anyone played the game when i 1st released it, and i never did get around to finishing it. (The sound effects when you fall down need a nice long pitch bend.)

The 2nd game could be literally hundreds of games where you had to collect money bags. Sounds like a pretty standard 'Manic Miner' style platform game, or maybe a game called 'Heist' where you had to collect the money bags and put them back in the safe while avoiding the bank robbers.
Yup, that certainly looks like the game I remember, Kooli. Only difference I notice is the guy isnt green, so it musta been a different version of the game I had.. maybe the spectrum then..

Also, for the second game I remember some "neat" tune played on the title screen, I'll see if I can find a sound file of it so you can hear to see if it's the same thing.
Robin of the Wood? Didn't the C16 version have those really evil boulder thingies on the second level? There's no way nobody could forget THAT! Oh man. Permanent childhood trauma.

Can't think of anything with money sacks on C16. My brain says Blagger, but that wasn't C16. Um...nope. Mr Puniverse maybe? Not moneysacks but's very hard to forget that game.