Anyone Got A Ps3 Yet ?

They do feel just the same apart from the L2 R2 buttons wich are more like the 360 sort of liek triggers.
Its a bit lighter too.
Nice, glad they didnt go with that horrible looking boomerang looking pad :p

Is their any demos with it so you can try out the motion sensor thing built in the pad??
yup i tryed motorstorm with it and it is quite hard especially if you go the bikes.
I thougth id try a couple ps1 games i only have a few original ones :p but i forgot this is a jap ps3 and it says they wont work due ot regionl thingys.
so far i like it. But im tryin to see what HD cable i can get for it. My tv dosnt have a HDMI thing on it wich i thougth it did have. But my Xbox 360 works great with the component cables or whatever they are called ? blue green n that. Is there a HDMI to blue green n that cable ? I cant be botherd tryin to look behind the tv to see the colours coz my room is too messy and i migh tbreak something :p. Oh its also got DVI and stuff and one that my pc is plugged into too.


I videod me playin my ps3 a bit and uploaded it to youtube. Its in two parts and part 2 has processd faster for some reason so heres part 2 :-PS3 PART 2

I also just bought a Multi Cable thing for ps2 and xbox 360 --->MULTI CONSOLE CABLE

It should work with PS3 too and save me from switch cables in the tv with my 360 and ps3 :D
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I was just at target and I played the PS3 demo station. Whatever you do, dont buy any games that use the sixaxis tilt thing. It sucks so bad, its not even funny. The graphics are on par with my computer. The racing game I played was a meh game. The Basketball game I played looked really good, Im not a fan of sports games, but it was fun for the 10 min I played with it. I tried the racing game with the joysticks and then the tilt. The tilt sucks. Big time. If excite truck's tilt sucks as bad as the sixaxis's tilt, then Im not getting it for the wii. I gotta get to my local gamestop and try out excite truck to make a true verdict. Overall, Im not that impressed with the PS3, its a definite upgrade to the current gen graphics wise, but gameplay wise, its the exact same, and the sixaxis tilt stuff sucks. I hope devs can improve on it, because it has a lot of potential, just right now its not showing much of anything.
I think the six axis tilt control for motorstorm is quite good just have to get used to it.

Heres Part 1 of that video -----> PART1
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I kind of wish Sony hadn't caved regarding the boomerang controller. I've never found the PS controller very comfortable (handles are too short and button placement's not the best). Not saying the boomerang thing would have been more comfortable, but at least it wouldn't have been more of the same.

Still, that's a very sexy console. Good for you, cabbages. I'm very jealous. :)
I was just at target and I played the PS3 demo station. Whatever you do, dont buy any games that use the sixaxis tilt thing. It sucks so bad, its not even funny. The graphics are on par with my computer. The racing game I played was a meh game. The Basketball game I played looked really good, Im not a fan of sports games, but it was fun for the 10 min I played with it. I tried the racing game with the joysticks and then the tilt. The tilt sucks. Big time. If excite truck's tilt sucks as bad as the sixaxis's tilt, then Im not getting it for the wii. I gotta get to my local gamestop and try out excite truck to make a true verdict. Overall, Im not that impressed with the PS3, its a definite upgrade to the current gen graphics wise, but gameplay wise, its the exact same, and the sixaxis tilt stuff sucks. I hope devs can improve on it, because it has a lot of potential, just right now its not showing much of anything.
You need to get the hang of it. Granted, the learning curve is a little bit higher than the wii, but it becomes handy. In Call of Duty 3, you can hit someone with the gun by quickly jolting the controller foward. I actually perferred it to the wiimote in this sense to be honest.
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I was just at target and I played the PS3 demo station. Whatever you do, dont buy any games that use the sixaxis tilt thing. It sucks so bad, its not even funny. The graphics are on par with my computer. The racing game I played was a meh game. The Basketball game I played looked really good, Im not a fan of sports games, but it was fun for the 10 min I played with it. I tried the racing game with the joysticks and then the tilt. The tilt sucks. Big time. If excite truck's tilt sucks as bad as the sixaxis's tilt, then Im not getting it for the wii. I gotta get to my local gamestop and try out excite truck to make a true verdict. Overall, Im not that impressed with the PS3, its a definite upgrade to the current gen graphics wise, but gameplay wise, its the exact same, and the sixaxis tilt stuff sucks. I hope devs can improve on it, because it has a lot of potential, just right now its not showing much of anything.
You need to get the hang of it. Granted, the learning curve is a little bit higher than the wii, but it becomes handy. In Call of Duty 3, you can hit someone with the gun by quickly jolting the controller foward. I actually perferred it to the wiimote in this sense to be honest.
That actually sounds pretty cool. Where was CoD3 at?
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I'm not sure that it's on display but a friend got a 20gb and bought CoD3 with it.

You should be able to see other moves that the controller can execute in reviews for the PS3 version of the game. Check out Gamespot.
I actually heard that the graphics on COD3 were better on the Xbox 360. The same was true of a few other games that were a bit better graphically on the 360. That is kind of strange, I would have thought it would be the other way around as the 360 is yesterday's news.
Actually, when I was at my local Gamestop, you could see that the 360 looked better than the PS3. It's not the machines howevever, it's the LCDs that are used. Sony makes garbage LCDs and they use their own to display the PS3 (obviously). The 360 uses Samsung units. When it comes to quality, Sony and Samsung are really incomparable.

But yes, the PS3 does have better graphics than the 360.
Ya, I noticed that Samsung is used by both Nintendo and Microsoft now. Cept for the DS's as the sharp screens they use for the special demo stations are custom made to be the same as the DS's screens, but larger. I've got my 1980's sony TV and its wonderful, but their new stuff... meh.
Actually, when I was at my local Gamestop, you could see that the 360 looked better than the PS3. It's not the machines howevever, it's the LCDs that are used. Sony makes garbage LCDs and they use their own to display the PS3 (obviously). The 360 uses Samsung units. When it comes to quality, Sony and Samsung are really incomparable.

But yes, the PS3 does have better graphics than the 360.

No read the reviews. It says that the graphics themselves are better on the 360 versions not the screens :rolleyes:

They say the framerate and some effects are better etc.
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I remember when the PS2 came out several of the Dreamcast versions of the games looked better than the PS2 ones.
Yeah, and if you think about it the ps2-dreamcast and the ps3-xbox 360 comparison is probably very close.

They're both slightly better, but the weaker one has the lead gfx wise at the start. Hype for all and that jazz.
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Ps3 is 40 times quieter. Well i havent tryed playin a ps3 game yet just downloaded demos but it is quieter than an 360 without anygame runnin too.
Has anyone played resistance fall of men ? I tryed the demo and it seems really difficult ? hopefully it will come in teh post in the mornin so i can try th ereal game.