Any Way To Circumvent Closed Ports?


man of poor reputation
Apr 23, 2004
Hildesheim, Germany.
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I just bought a cheap copy of UT 2004, installed it, applied the latest update and wanted to play online.
The server selection screen showed up fine, but everytime i tried to connect, i got a black screen and after a few minutes, the game notified me that the connection failed. So i did a bit of research and discovered that you need some ports open: UDP Ports: 2000-2009, 7775-7779, 8500-8502, 27900 LAN Deacon Port: 8777.

Well, i´m using my Uni´s internet connection, so i can´t really open the needed ports.

Is there anything i can do about this? I´d really like to have a game of UT.
I think your best solution would be to use some sort of proxy software, or if you know specific people you want to play against, use a VPN over the internet.
I used to play against a couple of people located on secured university networks using Hamachi.
Thank you. But it seems the locked ports are only a problem when my PC is a server, i shouldn´t need any port coniguration as a client. I still can´t connect though. Also i can´t see the server´s ping values.
It's UDP, which requires ports open both ways or a smart firewall (most firewalls are smart enough, but not all). Your uni connection may not even be letting the connection out let along handling the replies.. it's not uncommon for such networks to allow port HTTP out and very little else.

You should be able to manage some connectivity over your internal campus with friends but I wouldn't hold my breath being able to do anything externally.
I have had quite a weird problem with my DSL connection when playing UT2004 online, aswell. Whenever I joined a game my ping rate would rise to a peak at something like 4000 pings. And that was incredible because I actually had a 6mbit connection. Totally rendered the game unplayable online. Well... next time I´ll just get a better ISP I guess.