Release Temper (Split from other thread)

Exophase: If you are giving permission to upload the Temper .pnd to the repo, I will do it, I'll even fix up the .pnd so it falls under the emulator category aswell ;) I'll give it a look and repackage it tonight, or tomorrow morning at worst...
I recently made some tests on Dingoo Temper released by Slaanesh and i noticed all the CD games work 100% without issues.

Is it possible fix the compatibility issues on Pandora version? Would like to correctly play games like Anearth, F1 Circus Special, Star Parodier and Nexzr on Pandora Temper.

Any chance Temper will support in future NEC PC-FX emulation?

I just found on the net some documentation, maybe it could be useful:
If someone wants the source they can do it. I think I gave it to Slaanesh and the others who did the Dingoo and GCW-Zero ports, so they'd have it too.

The discrepancy is probably due to the new renderer which has the SGX emulation and all that. Maybe someone can figure it out. Putting the old renderer back in it is probably not completely trivial.

I have no plans to do anything on Temper in general, but PC-FX in particular is a totally different system. Only shares a little bit in common with PCE and SGX (the same video chip is present but in addition to a couple totally new ones). For PC-FX there's always Mednafen - I don't know if it can run well on Pandora or not though. But an ARMv7a optimized PC-FX emulator would be a ton of work for a system that few people want to play. Maybe it'll work better on Pyra?

Exophase: If you are giving permission to upload the Temper .pnd to the repo, I will do it, I'll even fix up the .pnd so it falls under the emulator category aswell ;) I'll give it a look and repackage it tonight, or tomorrow morning at worst...
Sure, go ahead.
Done and done!

...and if you are planning on abandoning temper for sure, please dump the source somewhere... I may not have time to look at it @ the moment, but I'm always willing to archive and dig into sometime in the future ;) Mind you, I'm over my head with most of this stuff usually :P

Only thing I didn't think to do was rename the readme to Temper Readme (afaik), but it's on the repo now, fixed category and all :)
Okay, here is some source if you or anyone else wants to do anything with it (no license attached to it right now, do what you will with it I guess?)

(now none of you can say I'm a proprietary code zealot who refuses to release source code until the day I day ;) )

I think the former should match the Pandora port while the latter should match the last GP2X/Wiz versions.

I can try to field questions but I can't promise I'll be able to answer everything. Some things will probably take some time for me to re-acquaintance myself with the code. I faintly remember some of the compatibility issues, I don't think much of it is very major except for Popful Mail which is a timing problem due to a lack of VRAM contention timing or something.

Just a note: I intended to originally port the new renderer to ARM ASM like the old one was. But I got frustrated trying to fit it in the registers and was being too much of a perfectionist which led to everything coming to a screeching halt. I don't think this is really terribly necessary for Pandora or maybe even Wiz, but if you want to get good performance on GP2X it can make a difference. Decent SGX performance is probably not very realistic without it. One thing about the new renderer is that with the way it works it's not too hard to add native rotated output, which would have been nice for Wiz and GP32. But the latter would definitely need ARM ASM.

I don't think there was an awful lot else I was going to do with it. At some point I wanted to port the OGG playback to the second core on GP2X but I don't think that was ever terribly necessary either and it's pretty moot now.
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Exophase: w00t! I hope I can give it a look here soon, but I'm sure I'm way over my head here ;)

ptitSeb: Heh, I don't mind help ;)

Plus for the moment I'm kinda looking @ Meritous & GINGE (although I sat there and played Meritous for  hours on and off at work last night and I didn't have any issues, crashes or slowdowns so it's mostly just aesthetics and making sure my widescreen changes didn't bork the end stuff (wish I had a save state from right at the end still...)
So, as a temporary fix would anyone complain to me embedding the Wiz version inside the PND to allow the few CD games that used to run to still be playable? NOT a long term solution, but something that I can easily do to add support for those handful of games as a placeholder for the second...