Any Update On Dreamcast Emulator For Pandora?

do you wan a dreamcast emulator on the pandora?

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Still Fresh
Jul 8, 2009
Is their any update on dreamcast emulator for pandora? i have not been up-to-date with the project. :P
There has already been a similar poll by one of the NullDC devs in favor of an emulator for pandora. The NullDC devs have accounts on these forums and will let us know when they have something more. You can also subscribe to drk||Raziel's blog:
OK thanks, sorry i didnt know their was a similar post. thanks for the reply :D
This is their thread:
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fischju2000 said:
This is their thread:
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maverick said:
fischju2000 said:
This is their thread:

Okay now that we know there's already a thread about this how about we lock this one so it doesn't keep getting bumped?
Although, on the other hand, if someone gravedug the old thread they'd probably get scolded too. What to do, what to do...
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rabidpoobear said:
maverick said:
fischju2000 said:
This is their thread:

Okay now that we know there's already a thread about this how about we lock this one so it doesn't keep getting bumped?
Although, on the other hand, if someone gravedug the old thread they'd probably get scolded too. What to do, what to do...

If valid discussion about the Dreamcast emulator is to happen, it should happen in this topic because it is the most recent. Gravedigging should not even be an option. Also, once there is no discussion to be had, the topic will fall under the waves of topics and drown. Locking a topic is not needed.

-God Ginrai
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street fighter 3 third strike, street fighter anniversary edition, etc etc... Dreamcast had a lot of fighting games on it.
wermy said:
Toy Commander! I never hear anyone mention that game when talking about the Dreamcast -- did nobody else love that game?

Yes! I loved playing head to head in that game! Flying or driving around the kitchen through into the next room and blasting away!
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God Ginrai said:
If valid discussion about the Dreamcast emulator is to happen, it should happen in this topic because it is the most recent. Gravedigging should not even be an option. Also, once there is no discussion to be had, the topic will fall under the waves of topics and drown. Locking a topic is not needed.

-God Ginrai
That's not how most forums I've been on work. The discussion goes with the rest of the discussion. A topic like this one where there isn't any actual information would typically be locked. And any further discussion would get folded into the older topic. It's up to the mods here to decide whether that's the policy here, but that's how it usually goes.

Gravedigging is most certainly not what you think it is, gravedigging or necroposting is when you unearth a long dead thread to add some sort of meaningless "me too" or other comment that adds nothing to the original discussion. Continuing a discussion with relevant discussion isn't an example of a necro.
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I never actually owned a Dreamcast, but I have played a few games for it. I'm looking forward to Centipede.
Well thanks to everyone who replied and hope the dreamcast emulator comes to life fairwell everyone

WEll thanks to everyone who replied and posted their thoughts on this topic and hopes a dreamcast emulator on the pandora cam see the light of day

UM.....okay zamerick

anyway..... im having a problem,(noobish question)how do you lock a thread?

sorry about this
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