Any Plans For Future Pandora Improvements?

Ari64 said:
craigix said:
It's possible TI will increase the speed of the OMAP3, but the chances are the older chips will reach that speed anyway.

It looks like they might start saying they can all go to 750mhz. So you may well get a 'free' upgrade.
It seems so. The new beagleboards are using 720MHz chips since 600MHz parts are unavailable.

Hell, crazy fact about the "600MHz" OMAP3, they aren't supposed to run at that speed. That's an overclock and they're not guranteed to live long at that clock. 500MHz is where it is. So that's another deduction. I am sorry that I don't have a link for this. Sort of in a rush right now, it's somewhere in the eLinux wiki about Beagleboard.
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ferg said:
Hell, crazy fact about the "600MHz" OMAP3, they aren't supposed to run at that speed. That's an overclock and they're not guranteed to live long at that clock. 500MHz is where it is. So that's another deduction. I am sorry that I don't have a link for this. Sort of in a rush right now, it's somewhere in the eLinux wiki about Beagleboard.
:blink: uh... no. 500 may be optimal for life expectancy, but they're still guaranteed at 600: that's not overclocking. What isn't guaranteed is that they will run at higher clock speeds than 600. My car says it can get 6 L/100km at 80 km/h, but that doesn't mean I can't cruise along at 100 km/h.
It was discovered, however, that most (perhaps all, at least all those tested by OpenPandora so far) OMAP processors were actually still stable at 800 mhz and beyond. What happened (or what is suspected by many, myself included) is that TI realized that their processors are consistently stable at 720 mhz, so in a bid to capitalize on this, they started repackaging some of them as 720 base (instead of 600 base) and charging extra for the 120 mhz "bonus"; a bonus which already existed, it's just that now TI is officially endorsing it.

edit: and regarding "not guaranteed to live long", I won't bother going through the specs to get the exact numbers again, but doing the math, overclocked to 900 mhz, it had an expected life expectancy of 5 years running 24 hours a day 365 days a year. I don't know what your definition of "long" is, but 5 years seems plenty long enough to me.
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WizardStan said:
ferg said:
Hell, crazy fact about the "600MHz" OMAP3, they aren't supposed to run at that speed. That's an overclock and they're not guranteed to live long at that clock. 500MHz is where it is. So that's another deduction. I am sorry that I don't have a link for this. Sort of in a rush right now, it's somewhere in the eLinux wiki about Beagleboard.
:blink: uh... no. 500 may be optimal for life expectancy, but they're still guaranteed at 600: that's not overclocking. What isn't guaranteed is that they will run at higher clock speeds than 600. My car says it can get 6 L/100km at 80 km/h, but that doesn't mean I can't cruise along at 100 km/h.
It was discovered, however, that most (perhaps all, at least all those tested by OpenPandora so far) OMAP processors were actually still stable at 800 mhz and beyond. What happened (or what is suspected by many, myself included) is that TI realized that their processors are consistently stable at 720 mhz, so in a bid to capitalize on this, they started repackaging some of them as 720 base (instead of 600 base) and charging extra for the 120 mhz "bonus"; a bonus which already existed, it's just that now TI is officially endorsing it.

edit: and regarding "not guaranteed to live long", I won't bother going through the specs to get the exact numbers again, but doing the math, overclocked to 900 mhz, it had an expected life expectancy of 5 years running 24 hours a day 365 days a year. I don't know what your definition of "long" is, but 5 years seems plenty long enough to me.

Is this true? Well, this changes a lot tbqh, 900MHz is more suitable for 330 (assuming the clock can be modified during runtime in the OS, sort of like AMD's OverDrive utility). 5 years isn't a bad life expectancy, did Samsung even do anything with Hummingbird? I think they just took the clock and upped it with slight modifications.
But how much power is it going to consume at that point? definitely past the 2W, maybe 3? wonder if it will need a heatsink.
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Tripmonkey_uk said:
EDIT: Forgot to mention the most important thing; consoles run firmware and not operating systems.

so consoles like the dreamcast and more recent consoles using windows CE are not really consoles?
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What's the real difference between a firmware and an OS anyway, I mean both have device I/O and both run whatever software needed (in terms of gaming consoles, obv. not talking about firmware on chips etc.)
Lunatic said:
According to Wkipedia, the OMAP 3530 is officially at 720 MHz now.

isn't this something that should be big news or something? doesn't this mean we could be looking at 750-800mhz overclocks?
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Paradox said:
isn't this something that should be big news or something? doesn't this mean we could be looking at 750-800mhz overclocks?

We always were, it's just that OP couldn't guarantee anything more than 600mhz.
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Elwing said:
so consoles like the dreamcast and more recent consoles using windows CE are not really consoles?
My understanding is that the Dreamcast did not run Windows CE - it was just that some games used it.
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Can we get a newer chip on the same board? Just charge us more for it? I'd be down to replace my pandora if pandora 2 came out in 2011.

Why not have a more expensive version as well as the base version for sale? Some people want more power than just charge them for it!

It kinda sounds like you can sell a lower powered model too for people more into just stricly emulation and not trying to make their pandora a laptop... #justsayin
richandcreamy said:
Can we get a newer chip on the same board? Just charge us more for it? I'd be down to replace my pandora if pandora 2 came out in 2011.

Why not have a more expensive version as well as the base version for sale? Some people want more power than just charge them for it!

It kinda sounds like you can sell a lower powered model too for people more into just stricly emulation and not trying to make their pandora a laptop... #justsayin
sounds like you haven't read the last four pages of discussion. Justsayin :P
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