After I got my GP32 I went off looking for possible lighting ideas, as did many of you. As I did not want to get into wiring new connectors, my search was for a lighting unit that would be self powered with its own batteries. So far, this is the best I have come up with... the Gamester Floodlight. I found one for $11 at a BestBuy here in the US and went ahead and bought it to see if I could modify it to work on my GP32. Here are two links, the first has a picture of the light (click on the small picture to see a larger one) and the other site has quite a few reviews discussing the pros/cons of the light. Unfortunately, due to the lack of a digital camera, I can't post pictures of what I've done.
A site with a picture of a floodlight without a GBA:
A site with an abundance of reviews:
First a quick summary of the pros/cons: pros - good, even light, no hot spots, very bright, (no wiring for GP32 owners); cons - heavy, takes 3 batteries (a necessity for no wiring), will require some modification. The reviews have more details. One note - it's flourescent and takes awhile to warm up - I thought mine was broken for a bit
My modifications: Look at the large picture. See the little L shapped brackets in the back that slip over the bottom of a GBA? Well, the GP32 is thicker. Take some kitchen sheers, wire cutters or a hacksaw and cut those off. You'll want to cut them off even with box with the button on it... when you do that they won't disturb the on/off button for the GP32. Next, you'll notice a couple of white plastic hooks on those same boxes. Leave the buttons that move those, but snip the hooks off and/or trim them down with a knife.
You can now slide the light on top of your GP32 - it actually snaps on nicely, but has two problems: 1) It has nothing securely holding it on and 2) the viewport, while wide enough, isn't tall enough (you loose about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch along the bottom of the screen.
To take care of #2, while on your GP32, mark where the bottom of the screen is on both sides of the viewport. Now draw a straight line between the two and using whatever tools work for you (a dremel tool would rock here, I used a hacksaw... knives would be slow but could work too) cut out that portion of the viewport so you can see the entire GP32 screen. If this seems too hard, it depends what you want to use on your GP32 - with the smaller screen areas used by many emus you don't NEED to enlarge the opening, just if you want to see the entire screen.
For #1, notice the tab on the front of the light, the one that slips over the front of your GP32? At the top of the tab, where it is attached to the viewport, make two small notches, one on each side. Now go find a thin rubber band. Slip it into the two notches you just made, pull the light onto your GP32 and run the rubber band under the unit and hook it over the two boxes on the back... the "buttons" that are no longer used will hold it in place.
I'm getting good lighting, it seems secure (you have to worry about the rubber band breaking, but I can turn it upside down and it doesn't move) and I can see the entire GP32 screen with mine. I'm sorry I can't make a guide with pictures for everyone, as I know this is hard to understand without them. If anyone is feeling adventurous and makes one, please post photos somewhere if you can. I'd be happy to clarify anything in here if you need.
Lastly, I know this isn't for everyone... especially with the FLU coming out. But, if you need a solution now, or one that won't cost as much (I only use mine in the dark about once a week) it works well. So, please, no flaming... if you don't like the idea, just move on to the next topic!
A site with a picture of a floodlight without a GBA:
A site with an abundance of reviews:
First a quick summary of the pros/cons: pros - good, even light, no hot spots, very bright, (no wiring for GP32 owners); cons - heavy, takes 3 batteries (a necessity for no wiring), will require some modification. The reviews have more details. One note - it's flourescent and takes awhile to warm up - I thought mine was broken for a bit
My modifications: Look at the large picture. See the little L shapped brackets in the back that slip over the bottom of a GBA? Well, the GP32 is thicker. Take some kitchen sheers, wire cutters or a hacksaw and cut those off. You'll want to cut them off even with box with the button on it... when you do that they won't disturb the on/off button for the GP32. Next, you'll notice a couple of white plastic hooks on those same boxes. Leave the buttons that move those, but snip the hooks off and/or trim them down with a knife.
You can now slide the light on top of your GP32 - it actually snaps on nicely, but has two problems: 1) It has nothing securely holding it on and 2) the viewport, while wide enough, isn't tall enough (you loose about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch along the bottom of the screen.
To take care of #2, while on your GP32, mark where the bottom of the screen is on both sides of the viewport. Now draw a straight line between the two and using whatever tools work for you (a dremel tool would rock here, I used a hacksaw... knives would be slow but could work too) cut out that portion of the viewport so you can see the entire GP32 screen. If this seems too hard, it depends what you want to use on your GP32 - with the smaller screen areas used by many emus you don't NEED to enlarge the opening, just if you want to see the entire screen.
For #1, notice the tab on the front of the light, the one that slips over the front of your GP32? At the top of the tab, where it is attached to the viewport, make two small notches, one on each side. Now go find a thin rubber band. Slip it into the two notches you just made, pull the light onto your GP32 and run the rubber band under the unit and hook it over the two boxes on the back... the "buttons" that are no longer used will hold it in place.
I'm getting good lighting, it seems secure (you have to worry about the rubber band breaking, but I can turn it upside down and it doesn't move) and I can see the entire GP32 screen with mine. I'm sorry I can't make a guide with pictures for everyone, as I know this is hard to understand without them. If anyone is feeling adventurous and makes one, please post photos somewhere if you can. I'd be happy to clarify anything in here if you need.
Lastly, I know this isn't for everyone... especially with the FLU coming out. But, if you need a solution now, or one that won't cost as much (I only use mine in the dark about once a week) it works well. So, please, no flaming... if you don't like the idea, just move on to the next topic!