any fix for clicky joystick?

mr twit

A can of spam!
Aug 25, 2003
has anyone tried modifying the joystick so that it's not as noisy? i hate the clicky stick, it annoys everyone in the room/bus. would it be possible to put something in, or take something out so it doesn't click so loudly?
I don't think it is possible since it is a digital joystick and requires those Clicks (much like a Neo Geo Pocket Color clicked). It does bug me though.
if the switch is anything like the switches i have here the click is the actuall sound made by the connection making contact (the metal kind of slaps together), so to stop if u would need to make the contact softt, not sure what would work or how that would effect the performace of the switch if it was doable
They should have had a joypad instead, like NES and GameBoy has.. And no, the joystick doesn't HAVE to click just because it's digital, there are silent micro switches.
i love the click's like my old amiga one...
i use to play sensi on's just like i remembered...and it anoye's hell
out off my misses
Micro switches tend to have a short lifespan and are not easy to replace. The makers of the GP32 should have made the joystick into a D-Pad similar to GB or PS1/2. I also think the joystick is far to flimsy.
I´ve heard many say that they are "very reliable" and I´ve also heard that microswitches are used in arcade machines, and they must be able to withstand some punishment.
Yup, Microswitches are the best switches in the world.
Most old competition pro joysticks (which use old microswitches) still are in best condition.
Other old joysticks (such as the Quickjoy ones) which don't use microswitches but just some metal which bends down to get contact are already broken.

But I agree that they should have implemented a joypad.
The reliabililty is the same and I like joypads better than those little sticks.

The only thing that doesn't work good is a joypad with a stick ontop of it...
EvilDragon posted on Sep 4 2003 said:
Other old joysticks (such as the Quickjoy ones) which don't use microswitches but just some metal which bends down to get contact are already broken.
Leaf switches. I went through sveral Quickshot 2s before I finally bought a decent stick (the name escapes me now though) for my C64. My last C64 stick was a Comp Pro Extra (very similar in appearance to all Amiga fans' Zipstiks).
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ColinR posted on Sep 5 2003 said:
EvilDragon posted on Sep 4 2003 said:
Other old joysticks (such as the Quickjoy ones) which don't use microswitches but just some metal which bends down to get contact are already broken.
Leaf switches. I went through sveral Quickshot 2s before I finally bought a decent stick (the name escapes me now though) for my C64. My last C64 stick was a Comp Pro Extra (very similar in appearance to all Amiga fans' Zipstiks).
My zipstick lasted about two months, I went through at least half a dozen microswitch joysticks during my Amiga owning days so I never found them to be too reliable!
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Are you sure you used joysticks with microswitches?
The only joysticks I know are the Competition (Pro, etc.) ones (and I still have
a lot of them - still working!).

Not all joysticks that click use microswitches.
e.g. the QuickShot uses some kind of crappy switches consisting of a spring and a leaf... and those don't last long.
Here is the type of microswitches most often used in Arcade and digital joyticks:

There is also a kind that uses "blisterswitches" which makes less noise but crack and brake after a while. And of course the crappy type mentioned by EvilDragon. The best joysticks in my opinion were the joysticks made by a company called something like.... Ghaa, cant remember :( But the joysticks were called RedBall, TheBoss etc.. They used very small quiet microswitches, It was impossible to break them, believe me, I know ;) Seems like I strayed off topic, sorry..
to anyone whos opened up there gp32 can u pull the switches out or are they stuck in place
animator75 posted on Sep 5 2003 said:
Here is the type of microswitches most often used in Arcade and digital joyticks:

There is also a kind that uses "blisterswitches" which makes less noise but crack and brake after a while. And of course the crappy type mentioned by EvilDragon. The best joysticks in my opinion were the joysticks made by a company called something like.... Ghaa, cant remember :( But the joysticks were called RedBall, TheBoss etc.. They used very small quiet microswitches, It was impossible to break them, believe me, I know ;) Seems like I strayed off topic, sorry..
Redball? I assume that was the one with the bare metal stick with the redball on top - iirc it had a white fire-button up there as well.

If that's what you're thinking of, they were made by an american company whose name escapes me at the moment. Definitely the strongest sticks I ever use (great for Decathalon and Hypersports). Difficult to find in the UK though.
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EvilDragon posted on Sep 5 2003 said:
Are you sure you used joysticks with microswitches?
The only joysticks I know are the Competition (Pro, etc.) ones (and I still have
a lot of them - still working!).

Not all joysticks that click use microswitches.
e.g. the QuickShot uses some kind of crappy switches consisting of a spring and a leaf... and those don't last long.
I guess there are different types and mine all sucked!

Shame, the Zipstick was lovely joystick...
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Redball? I assume that was the one with the bare metal stick with the redball on top - iirc it had a white fire-button up there as well.

If that's what you're thinking of, they were made by an american company whose name escapes me at the moment. Definitely the strongest sticks I ever use (great for Decathalon and Hypersports). Difficult to find in the UK though.

Yes, that's the one! :)
I think I just remembered the name om the conmpany: Wico? Does that ring any bells? I'm not sure if I remember correctly..