Any Aftershave Connoisseur's here?


Advanced Member
Aug 24, 2011
Workington, Cumbria, UK
I'm a fan of the older 'classic' scents woody/earthy, musky types & am particularly fond of ones that contain patchouli (& no I ain't no hippie)

I'd be interested to know what you use & why..

If anyone uses either of the above, what do you make of them?


I would have taken a selfie but was too lazy.


I would have taken a selfie but was too lazy.
Got away with a similar look for far longer than I had any right to back in the day.. don't think my nearest & dearest would be enamoured with that look now in my dotage.
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Got away with a similar look for far longer than I had any right to back in the day.. don't think my nearest & dearest would be enamoured with that look now in my dotage.
Maybe add dreadlocks? That makes every beard look much more respectable. :-D



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This guy (Bruce Everiss) is a raving nutjob. Some of you may remember him from the 80s when he contributed to the spectacular crash of gaming studio "Imagine" and more recently as he's promoting himself (based solely on his incompetence in managing said game studio) as some sort of industry "guru", not to mention his hilarious stance on software piracy... But anyway:

He's a complete nutter, mad as a box of frogs.

This guy (Bruce Everiss) is a raving nutjob. Some of you may remember him from the 80s when he contributed to the spectacular crash of gaming studio "Imagine" and more recently as he's promoting himself (based solely on his incompetence in managing said game studio) as some sort of industry "guru", not to mention his hilarious stance on software piracy... But anyway:

He's a complete nutter, mad as a box of frogs.

I checked his shaving site and his politics blog and within the few minutes I browsed, nothing nutty was found. Unless you think Mises and Hayek are nuts too.
This guy (Bruce Everiss) is a raving nutjob. Some of you may remember him from the 80s when he contributed to the spectacular crash of gaming studio "Imagine" and more recently as he's promoting himself (based solely on his incompetence in managing said game studio) as some sort of industry "guru", not to mention his hilarious stance on software piracy... But anyway:

He's a complete nutter, mad as a box of frogs.

I checked his shaving site and his politics blog and within the few minutes I browsed, nothing nutty was found. Unless you think Mises and Hayek are nuts too.
He's been banned from several forums for his behaviour, and has been involved in some really odd stuff regarding the games industry and has been very vocal in his blame of software piracy on the downfall of his games studio on the 80s - rather than the real reason which was crushing mismanagement and excessive spending (even to the point of buying up all available duplication time for one of their games - which then went on to sell dismally - in order to prevent others from publishing theirs).

All of which is widely available documented history, which is of course all lies according to him. Do a web search, he's a fascinating case.
