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Too bad teufel only sells their speakers in germany. Their concept c 2.1 speakers are far better than anything from creative or logitech in both performance and sound.
On a similar subject (and without trying to hijack the thread) but can anybody recommend speakers for an ipod. I know it would be better value to get a connector for my hi-fi, but...

Anybody have any thoughts on iGroove vs Apple hifi (ho ho, what a name) vs Bose?
Looks okay. Small satellites but 40w is 40w I suppose...
I guess it's okay if it is 40W RMS. A lot of people state the wattage and don't tell you it's in MPO, which is pitiful compared to the correct RMS output as it's about half the output of RMS. Even worse some speakers are rated in PMPO, which is about quarter the output of RMS :angry: .
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i got some logitech 2.1 sys from there i upgraded to a 5.1 creative one, then i got a teufel concept e magnum 5.1 last year, hell of a difference.
So i would suggest you to somehow acquire a teufel sys.
go for the PAL from Tivoli Audio


I has only one speaker, but its sound is strong and crisp, far better than having a bass woover and 7 low quality satelite speakers

apart from that, it comes with a powerful built in rechargeable battery
Mono is the future?

no, only the sound quality is important. check out the tivoli, you will like it. I use it as radio, as speaker for my laptop and as a speaker for my mp3 player and I can really recommend it to anybody.

of course it is no alternative for the home hi-fi system, but this was not the question, I guess.
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Meh, the tivoli pal is designed to be a portable speaker you can hook up your mp3 player to and take to a picnic but is no replacement for some decent stereo speakers. It is also blatantly overpriced, and whilst i suppose the sound is very good, the volume isn´t that great. It has no watt rating too. Probably great as a portable system (though i would go for a Boomtube Ex) but there are lots of better stationary solutions for a similar price.
Meh, the tivoli pal is designed to be a portable speaker you can hook up your mp3 player to and take to a picnic but is no replacement for some decent stereo speakers. It is also blatantly overpriced, and whilst i suppose the sound is very good, the volume isn´t that great. It has no watt rating too. Probably great as a portable system (though i would go for a Boomtube Ex) but there are lots of better stationary solutions for a similar price.

I agree that the Tivoli is no replacement for home stereo speakers. Hooking up the mp3 player with an fm transmitter and carrying it from the kitchen to the bathroom, and then into the garden etc. is just fantastic.

In Europe it is overpriced, but not in the US (about $ 129).
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Just buy an Kenwood AMP, a dvd-player, a set of Kenwood speakers and some wooden plates..

Create a box from the plates and build in the speaker. (do this twice) hook the dvd-player to the AMP and now hook the speakers up to the AMP...

ét viola, you've got yourself a very nice sound set :)
I got my 200 dollar samsung 5.1 system for half off at best buy because it was open box plus half off of the half off price because no one would buy it (because i later found out it was defective). I sent it to the factory and they payed for everything so i got 75 percent off on a nice speaker system. My friend got his 2.1 system for something like 30 buks and all it needed was some electrical tape. The best thing to do is keep your eye open for deals.