Another Short Gpx2 Faq


Sep 2, 2002
@ gpzigi forum


Q. Hi. I want to ask you about how much GPX2 will be able to handle. In your official description of GPX2, MAME, SNES, Genesis and PC Engine support is stated. Will it be able to run emulators of higher degrees such as Final Burn or Neo Rage? If they do work on GPX2 would be wonderful. I've always loved arcade games.
If answering my question is difficult because of company policy or legal issues, just tell me if it's possible/not possible. You don't have to tell me specifically how and what will run on GPX2. If they are infact possible, I will so wait for GPX2.

A. Hi. This is GamePark Holdings.

The CPU that's selected for use in GPX F100 has a support for 2D acceleration. Thus almost any emulator that runs under 2D environment should run on GPX2.

I hope that was the answer you are looking for.

Thank you.


Seems like a very positive feedback since the questioner specifically asked if Neorage and Final Burn would run on GPX2.

But still worries me that it says nothing about the actual performence of said emulators.

saintdragon posted on Aug 3 2005 at 12:59 AM said:

for anyone that thinks me and vimacs are becomming mad, the topic title was "Another Short Gpx2 Fag"

no it wasnt! :blink:
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polooo2 posted on Aug 3 2005 at 02:04 AM said:
saintdragon posted on Aug 3 2005 at 12:59 AM said:

for anyone that thinks me and vimacs are becomming mad, the topic title was "Another Short Gpx2 Fag"

no it wasnt! :blink:

ehh yes it was, dont make us 2 look like fools, we know what we saw! i think hando changed it!
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saintdragon posted on Aug 3 2005 at 01:25 AM said:
polooo2 posted on Aug 3 2005 at 02:04 AM said:
saintdragon posted on Aug 3 2005 at 12:59 AM said:

for anyone that thinks me and vimacs are becomming mad, the topic title was "Another Short Gpx2 Fag"

no it wasnt! :blink:

ehh yes it was, dont make us 2 look like fools, we know what we saw! i think hando changed it!

I swear to God I would not make a common mistake like that!

I can bet my both balls!... wait, not my balls.... :P
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saintdragon posted on Aug 3 2005 at 01:32 AM said:

there! proven guilty, i took a pic of it!

balls are no officially gone*

Photoshop! :lol:
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ehhh, no, all you have to do is do is press that little green arrow a few time, then print screen, then ms paint, save as "what ever" then upload it on image shack...
umm yeah so like this seems to suggest there's a great deal of support for 2D gaming but this makes me worry about things like Mode7 and low level 3D in games like Starfox or some special effects in NeoGeo games.

But I guess if you just focus on MAME, GB-GBC, NES, SNES, TG16, SMS, GEN, GG... even removing the 3D games and more graphicly intense games that push beyond mode7 effects I would guess there's still a few THOUSAND playable games.
But I guess if you just focus on MAME, GB-GBC, NES, SNES, TG16, SMS, GEN, GG... even removing the 3D games and more graphicly intense games that push beyond mode7 effects I would guess there's still a few THOUSAND playable games.

Yes, but MANY of those are already playable on the GP32

GH is working on making GPX2's memory into 64 megs.

They're about 90% sure of making GPX2 a 64 meg.

It will up the unit price by a bit, but I think this is a good news.

A guy in Korea gave a visit to GamePark office and saw an wooden prototype design of XGP. Here's his description of it.

It was a rough wooden prototype they made in-house.

At first I thought they were giving me a PSP in a PSP case, letting me play it when they were repairing my GP32, but inside was an XGP prototype.

First impression of it was NDS+PSP.

The width of it is roughly about as wide as PSP, and it has a foldable screen like NDS, and the foldable screen can rotate like those new cell phones.

And to compare it to NDS, XGP has a number dial button where NDS's touch-screen should be. It seems to be like for DMB service.

An employee there told me it's the first time XGP has been shown to anyone outside.

Didn't really like the design overall, almost making me not wanting to buy the unit. It's gonna need some improvement; I told them.

The price, from what they told me will be around USD200~299 range. It will come out sometimes this december, and they also asked me what kind of game I prefer. I told them roughly; Action, Racing, RGP.

I also told them if they wanted to research on it they should come to gpzigi website.

And at the moment it seems that it's difficult to get a decent service at Gamepark as GH took some of the servicing equipment.

I messed up with my firmware so I took it to them, but they did not have the proper equipment to fix it up, so they told me to replace the GPROM. Took me 10 bucks.

Just like when I used to give them a visit when their office was back in gari-bong, they were really kind to explain things and telling me bits of news about the new machine.

He wanted to me tell everyone it's time for us to show everyone who we are and beat PSP off it's throne.

He also told me sales will greatly affect third party support, and to help them in the cause by buying their games.

One improvement I can see could make it better would be the design of the unit.

I wish them a great success.

That's about all I've seen there. I didn't have a camera with me at the time so unfortunately no shots of XGP. Maybe I'll draw up something later.


this sounds to me like the GPi or what was it called, the first gp32 succeser which they didnt release in the end
A wooden GPX? wow that's just weird. You;d think it would be cheaper to create a case out of plastic rather than caving the think by hand. But It's like being on hand to witness an coming train wreck. The fact that they think they can take on the PSP directly concidering the GP32 barely registered next to the GBA in any relevance other than Homebrew tells me they will be sorely dissapointed.