Another product from Craig and the team?


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2008
Noticed this on Engadget earlier.

Says it's being made by the same people as the iControlPad ("Orange Gadgets", and I hadn't heard that name before), but I hadn't seen any mention anywhere around here or GP32X - but I don't frequent the off-topic sections there, so I may have missed it.

Anyway, it looks cool - I'm not an iPhone owner myself, and I assumed the iPhone had built-in GPS for some reason, but since it apparently doesn't, I would think this would be a pretty hot accessory.
"In UK, it's indeed OpenPandora Ltd. I just founded OpenPandora GmbH in Germany. So OpenPandora seems valid, eh? smile.gif"
"GP32 Distribution Ltd" ohmy.gif"
-gbax's company
(search 'pandora team name' on gp)
so i dont know what this orange gadgets garbage is. who knows, guess well have to wait for craig to confirm.
That article ends up linking to That domain belongs to Roger Koumans of California. A quote from orangegadgets:
We would like to find out if any of you are interested in this iPhone gadget. If so, please sign up for one. If there is enough interest, Orange Gadgets will become a U.S. distributor for the iControlPad and you will be able to order yours right here.

The iControlPad manufacturer suggested retail price is $34.99

So they look like they are interested in distribution...

Notice the pic on the site:

Is that a render or a finished product?
The iControlPad is in production and this gadget will enable you to play PSP games on your iPhone with real game controls in your hand.

wait, what?
Kyosys said:
The iControlPad is in production and this gadget will enable you to play PSP games on your iPhone with real game controls in your hand.
wait, what?
I suspect that is confusion arising from this on the site:
May 12th, Widephone
We have decided on a final PSP style design for the control system this is due to the fact putting the controls on the buttom of the unit, GBA-SP style, results in an ugly bulge in the left side of the iPhone due to the serial port location, the PSP design is smaller and easier to use and it looks very sleek on the iPhone itself.

Also, I've answered my own question I think, it is a render.
Yeah, it's obviously a render. Do these guys really have an ok from the team yet? The site seems kind of fishy
I think this is the company that is making the cases and buttons for the Pandora. Not related to the Pandora team itself.
well even if they are a distributor of it, it would be wrong to assume that orange 360 gps or whatever is being made by craigix. who knows, though. the site is horribly laid out, and looks bad, though

javaJake said:
This is made by the same folks - they link to it from their site (look on the left, under the heading "iPhone").
Yes icontrolpad is under the gbax umbrella, but it has not been shown that the gps thing is anything to do with craigix/gbax/icontrolpad. Orange 360 just look to be US distributor for icontrolpad with a poor website with invalid certificates...
TaG said:
javaJake said:
This is made by the same folks - they link to it from their site (look on the left, under the heading "iPhone").
Yes icontrolpad is under the gbax umbrella, but it has not been shown that the gps thing is anything to do with craigix/gbax/icontrolpad. Orange 360 just look to be US distributor for icontrolpad with a poor website with invalid certificates...
Ah, sorry; I misunderstood what you guys where talking about. :P
Well, I didn't really do any digging. :P

It's a little odd that a company that apparently thinks the iControlPad turns your iPhone into a PSP-compatible handheld should have the ability to develop a GPS add-on, which seems that it'd be at least as complicated as the iControlPad is (at least in terms of software and hardware - on the other hand you don't really have to consider ergonomics etc. for the GPS). It still seems a bit strange.

Although their website seems to indicate they developed it themselves, I wonder if they're just distributing this GPS thing too - and if so, who developed it?
for all we know it could be any random GPS except with an iphone plug instead of USB or whatever and a new case and ported drivers