Annoyed of tangled wires? -> RecoilWinders


Still Fresh
Mar 12, 2012

Found these "recoilwinders" quite a while ago on kickstarter, but didn't had the creditcard to support them.Now they are accepting preorders and will start delivering at the end of this April. Just ordered some and I'm around #200 on their waiting-list. So check them out! Personally I think they're quite cheap starting 10$ a pice (+6$ for delivery to Germany). For 15% off use "grandopening" as coupon.


Ad-video, just jump to the half of it to see the actual recoilwinders:


Personally I think this product is just awesome, can't wait to get them. I will post some feedback as soon as I get them. I think the mid-one could be enough to be used for the pandora-charger.

Best regards,

Cool. I've been using self-winding USB cables for my devices for a long time, but obviously they are designed specifically for each product - these can handle any wire. I'm not sure I can afford to pay $10 (plus p&p) per unit to deal with all my tech gear though!
I think $10 per unit it a bit expensive, too. Not that it's not worth it, but as iprice says, if you have a lot of cables, it is kind of expensive. I would stick to my normal Velcro tape here. Also it seems to take more space than a well wrapped cable itself.
Woah, $10 per? Yeah, that's too rich for my blood. Great idea, but I think I'll stick to my velcro tape, too. :P
You know what would be nice ... a bracket which I could fit to the wall that had a load of these attached to it.

Look perfect for wrapping up all the UBS cables i have, just a shame it would work out pretty expensive with the amount youd need eh.

Ideal for someone who uses in ear headphones on a daily though id say
Just ordered a couple. It's what I need to keep my in ear headphones for my Pandy safe amongst all the junk in my work rucksack
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I don't have good experiences with "recoil" cords. I've only ever used two, and in both cases, they were annoying as hell to use.

But that was quite some time ago, so maybe these are better. :P
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You talking about the ones that you pull both ends to make the cord ends retract, where the retraction mechanism sits in the middle of the cord?
You talking about the ones that you pull both ends to make the cord ends retract, where the retraction mechanism sits in the middle of the cord?
Hm... one of them wasn't one of those (it was a game controller, and the mechanism was on the controller), but the other one (earbuds) was one of those, IIRC.
I can agree with the ones that are like that, middle of the cord, pull both ends to extend or retract. They can get off-center too easy, and I've had one explode on me (springs came out and everything). Guess it does depend who made it, too. Some seem better-made than others, but they all seem to suffer from the off-center problem at some point or another. The on-controller one... haven't had one so no opinion there. :P

I think this guy's new ones look decent, but the price is just too much to me. Also, I'd be worried that the cords might separate internally from the force of the retraction when they stop.
I can agree with the ones that are like that, middle of the cord, pull both ends to extend or retract. They can get off-center too easy, and I've had one explode on me (springs came out and everything). Guess it does depend who made it, too. Some seem better-made than others, but they all seem to suffer from the off-center problem at some point or another. The on-controller one... haven't had one so no opinion there. :P
Well, my issue with both was that it seemed excessively difficult (actually, next to impossible) to control how far they retracted. I recall one of them had a nasty habit of suddenly retracting fully, while the other one would never retract entirely. So I guess it's probably not a problem with these (like I said, these were years ago), but I avoid retractable cords like the plague because of them. ;)
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Ah! Actually, I know the problem you speak of! I've had that problem with every retractable cord product I've had. Sound reasoning that you avoid them because of it... There've been instances where I just decided to take the darn things apart and use the cord bare. :lol: