Announcement: Maclink Gui Is Ready!


Mostly Harmless
Feb 2, 2004
Brighton, UK
At last, what all you mac users have been waiting for (well maybe one or two of you) here is my GUI wrapper for Mr. Spiv's terminal maclink application.

Here is a screenshot:

Download it Here...

It should be pretty obvious how to use it (see the readme.txt file for details) but it's probably worth backing up your SMC first as there are bound to be a few bugs left...
I'm a mac user and I'm happy. This will make me more so :D

I'll probably just keep with the SMC card reader though, it's so much faster.

Now we just need an easy to use dev environment and GeePee32 for OS X...
God i hate macs!!!! (no offence to mac users although probably i am offending them :P ) Our school got rid of them this year. They got like a 100 dell systems with lcd flat screen monitors... Now i know where all our money goes to... <_<
if you are a Mac user, which I am -> this is awesome !!
if you are not a Mac user -> shh !!

Hats off to Mr. Spiv & Gruntfuggly !!

Next ?! GeePee32Mac OSX Please.
FPKs are at least supported by MacLink. No point of supporting ZPKs are those can't be encrypted anyway.