Android tablets


Could crush a grape
May 11, 2009
Yo yo yo yooooooo,

Here's the place for some fine informed opinions on gear from some erudite and handsome individuals. With that in mind, I'm thinking about buying an Android tab for my GF for her birthday next month, she doesn't know she wants one obviously but I think she'd really appreciate one.

Anyway, I can't afford the top end units and frankly most of them are way overpriced in my opinion, so I have been browsing around for something in the £100 - £200 mark and I was wondering if anyone here has any recommendations?

Spec wise I'd like it to be 10" but 8 would be acceptable. ICS is a must because I want Chrome support. Processor above 1ghz, preferably dual core. Must have a nice vibrant screen.

There is a veritable sea of tabs from all kinds of wacky brands out there, but I'm concerned about the build and component quality of them, so I thought I'd come to you gents and see what your thoughts were.

Cheers guys.
Sony S is no way in that price range though is it?

I have an M12 Aoson/Wopad and loving it


That cost me just under £200 a while back, that included the shipping to UK from Canada.

They have an improved M19 out now.

In terms of build I rate it, its "solid". Some would say its heavy, which compared to an iPad it is, but to me its solid.

Got IPS screen. A number of custom F/W for it, I used a recent one from Astroknight and it works sweet, runs emus fine.

The default F/W i had a problem with the rotation of the screen and had to use a d/l app to force it to work, but the custom F/W fixed that up.

I like the look of the Wikipad for the obvious gaming controls ...I know tablets are not ideal for using built in controls due to size and that, I read the comments in the Wikipad thread here, but I'd still like one for gaming with on sofa of an evening during Coronation Street.

That's meant to be around £200 too, but not certain when that is released.

Also, seeing as it is for your missus...

I did get my missus one, a cheapish one, but it serves her well as she is all about the YT and browser app .... thats about it.

You might want to check the Viewsonic Viewpad 10e.

I was looking at this at the time of buying mine, it appealed to me for its super slim size and lightweight... but... it was not a Google approved device thus no official Market. Instead it came with Mobile1 app store.

However, there have since been newer F/W released for this and people have got the Google Market [Play] onto it now.

Its under £200 and available from Argos.

some info here if you dont know this model: http://www.viewsonic...oducts/v10e.htm

So depending on what your GF is likely to use it for, this might be a nice choice, I think the physical dimensions would appeal and I'm sure it has no problems with YT and browsing web etc...

EDIT: Sorry, wrote all that in haste and didn't clock that you specifically want ICS.

Neither of my suggested can help you there, far as I know there's no plan for Viewpad to go ICS and the existing custom F/W ICS for the M12 is no good really as you have to use a mouse, the touch screen dont run.

EDIT2: Perhaps this one, its ICS and cheapy cheap cheaperson
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Check the video for the alldocube tablet looks pretty cool android 4.0 dual 1.5 ghz core and 4 core mali400 for less than 150 dollars cant be wrong
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Thanks for your input, lads. I've looked at everything you've mentioned but nothing's hitting the right notes. I've just come across Gemini JoyTABs though and they look great, UK based company too (manu in China). Price and specs certainly fit the bill and they look really nice, can't find a decent review of any of them though.
you look at the asus transformer tf101? it's a little over the price range but it is just a great tablet, and if you eventually get the dock it make a super nice netbook, I use mine non-stop since I got it, I absolutely adore mine

350 USD which turns into 215 Brittish pounds, but on it's 289... not sure what the difference is price is from... duties maybe?
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Acer A500 is good too, officially has ICS now too. Wifes got one and loves it. Basically most of the tablets are nVidia Tegra 2 chipsets, so all very similar (Xoom, Transformer, A500 and so on) screen sizes are very similar too.

Acer also do the A200 which is slightly cut down (no rear camera), and now a A510 which has the new Tegra 3 chipset.

There is a whole host of Chinese ICS tablets coming out, they all share the A10 chipset. Single core CPU. Not gonna be as quick as the Tegra 2 but I've seen them for very little cash.

List of the main ones here: