Amoled Vs Tft-Lcd, Quality / Price + Longevity / Price


Still Fresh
Aug 9, 2006

Is there a big difference (image quality and longevity) between AMOLED and TFT-LCD with regard to the price?
In other words, which display has bigger factor: quality / price + longevity / price ?

+ +
Andrzej ..:: ::..
dfTruF said:

Is there a big difference (image quality and longevity) between AMOLED and TFT-LCD with regard to the price?
In other words, which display has bigger factor: quality / price + longevity / price ?

+ +
Andrzej ..:: ::..
AMOLED has superior contrast (can do true black). It doesn't ghost nearly as much with fast moving objects. The viewing angle is also much better. The "lighting" is even.
Downside is it doesn't last as long as LCD, tend to burn-in with static images on screen like CRTs and Plasma TVs would. They cost more right now.

LCDs have relatively poor contrast (can't do true black), poor viewing angle, and slow response time making them tend to ghost much more. They tend to have areas of the screen that are brighter/more washed out than others (due to backlighting). They do last longer though. LCDs are dirt cheap.
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DaveC said:
AMOLED has superior contrast (can do true black). It doesn't ghost nearly as much with fast moving objects. The viewing angle is also much better. The "lighting" is even.
Downside is it doesn't last as long as LCD, tend to burn-in with static images on screen like CRTs and Plasma TVs would. They cost more right now.

LCDs have relatively poor contrast (can't do true black), poor viewing angle, and slow response time making them tend to ghost much more. They tend to have areas of the screen that are brighter/more washed out than others (due to backlighting). They do last longer though. LCDs are dirt cheap.

And Quality / Price + Longevity / Price in your opinion ?
This factor is important when someone is making choice between Wiz and Dingoo A320 (for example).

+ +
Andrzej ..:: ::..
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The build quality is better on the Wiz, I believe. So factor in the fact that although the Dingoo's screen may outlive the Wiz's, the Wiz itself will probably outlive the Dingoo. :)