Amazing Price For Linux Laptop!

The folks at Slashdot seem to believe it is a scam. I haven't done any investigation, but there's no way I would pay for one of these without hundreds of people receiving one first.

edit: Amazingly late.
hmm a Swedish company?

hopefully not the same people behind the Gizmondo lol
That would be funny if it was somehow connected to the giz.

I think if they had said it was ARM based and had a 10" screen they would have came across as much more genuine.

As it stands unless they are making many millions of those laptops it is a scam.
Actually TheFunkyGibbon, I don't have anything to do with it apart from being quite intrigued so don't insult me, ok?

I saw the news at and checked it out and thought it would be of interest to maybe a few people here.

If it's a scam, it's a scam...simple. If not then once confirmed it's for real I'm definately getting one!

Already got a gp2x and love it! I didnt start this thread with any intent on taking anything away from the gp2x or gp2x scene.

For me, this laptop would come in handy for band practice :P

btw, possible catches are p&p, tax and they also say a few others including the price may change so there you go.
I would not get my hopes up to much.. I remember all to well, wich was a webbshop with cheap electronics and a deliverytime of 4-6 weeks. After about 6 weeks you got a package with a Denver DVD player and the company vaniched.

This looks like the same deal, crappy site, long deliverytimes and a price to good to be true. I hope I´m wrong, I really do, but untill someone actually gets his/her laptop I will remain sceptic.
