Alternative Mame Gp32 Frontend


Still Fresh
Mar 26, 2004
I don't have a gp2x yet, so in the mean time I have done a little more work on my alternative frontend for Mame GP32.

The filters have been enhanced a bit, using genre and categories.

I also noticed that I wasn't even compiling the BLU+ version correctly. This version works with original or BLU+ units. It tries to auto detect, if that fails, an option in frontend.cfg can force a mode.

Be sure to either copy the new frontend.cfg, or at least look at it and merge as needed.

Source Code

Images (100x100)
Images (125x125)
Excellent !
Is there a filter to display only the original roms (excluding the clones) ???
Great. This version works on my BLU+ even without forcing the BLU+ mode. Thank you very much. Your frontend is great.
Quiest said:
Post this in the news board, so it gets posted faster on the front page :)
Next time I will remember to do that.

gametux said:
This version works on my BLU+ even without forcing the BLU+ mode
So I assume the Blu+ is finally working correctly? I wish the emulator would emulate that, so we could test it a little better.

tix said:
Is there a filter to display only the original roms (excluding the clones) ???
This should do that for you, maybe I will add it to the auto generated 'Unfiltered' group.

Filter-Group="No Clones"
"No Clones" cloneof regexp (^$)


I have a feeling I need a more complex search & match method, I just don't know how I am going to write it just yet.
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gametux said:
This version works on my BLU+ even without forcing the BLU+ mode
So I assume the Blu+ is finally working correctly? I wish the emulator would emulate that, so we could test it a little better.
Right :D. I just played one hour different MAME games using your frontend. No problems.
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tix said:
Is there a filter to display only the original roms (excluding the clones) ???
This should do that for you, maybe I will add it to the auto generated 'Unfiltered' group.

Filter-Group="No Clones"
"No Clones" cloneof regexp (^$)

Thanks zaq121 that did the trick :P

Is there a way for the frontend to remember the last filter and the last game I played ? Because when I return to the menu it reverts to the default filter (genre) and the first game on the list . . .
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Is there a way for the frontend to remember the last filter and the last game I played ? Because when I return to the menu it reverts to the default filter (genre) and the first game on the list . . .

Actually, I was making that work a little better just earlier (it already had it, but had issues).

The thing is, Mame has to be modified to return 1 more paramter so the frontend can restore the state. I have made the mod on my end, but unless you compile your own version of mame, it wont do much good to you.

I guess I need to get with Franxis on passing back one more paramter when he reloads the frontend.
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