Allways Black Screen


Still Fresh
May 2, 2010
got a new wiz, 2weeks ago,
2day push the power on button, no bootup screen, nothing,
alltimes black screen,
i´ve try fireware flash/update/downgrade,... nothing, no display...

display crashed ?

or what else, any idea ?
forces/before said:
You might have once caused to brick your Wiz by pressing the R button while startup... sorry, only way to repair that is with Break-out-Board or with modified cable...

Actually in case something like this does happen to someone else, could you please write step by step tutorial in all the maximum detail how to repair a brick Wiz?
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Do you turn on the console the first day, it works?
The battery is fully charged? Do you see a blue light when you turn on, or a red light?
Do you turn off the Wiz while you are saving data to SD or while you are playing?

To brick your wiz pressing R button you must to have a firware in the root of your card.
If the console is new you must to write to the shop to get repaired. You have an Aftersales center in Germany too if you live in Europe. Some serious bricks only can fixed with technical equipment owned by GPH.
If you live in Europe, i would contact the AS center in Germany. Try searching for the contact info. It is in the forums somewhere. The service is great. They are very quick to repair and return.

Btw Hardyx, i believe you brick the Wiz if there is NO firmware on the SD card when you press right shoulder button at boot. According to glossywhite. Anyways, anyone interested can just search :)
power is blue, yes battery is full (got2)
firmware was the last, 1.21 or so at the first day (2weeks ago)
i´ve copied the firmware to 2gb-sd and sdhd and start with the R button, no screen,(black)

*first time if the problem was, i test via mindmemory 2 start an include game, 2test the sound output,.. nothing

and yes germany, i contact the shop
I'm not sure if this qualifies as the same problem, but I've kinda bricked my Wiz. I was trying to update it with the latest firmware, I'm pretty sure I extracted the right files and put them on the SD card, and booted it up while holding R. I got the "new firmware" screen, and then after that it turned black, so after waiting a few minutes, I turned it off. Now it only displays the GPH logo when I turn it on. I've held R while I've turned it on again and it has the same firmware message and black screen, but after waiting 30 minutes, I'm pretty sure it's not doing anything (though the blue light stays on). What should I do?

By the way, I deleted all the other files from the SD card. Is this a problem?

Edit: I've managed to restore firmware 1.1.0, by holding R even through the "firmware upgrade" screen and onto the real upgrade screen. But When I try to do the same thing with firmware 1.2.1, I just get a black screen after the "firmware upgrade" one. Resetting it shows that I didn't damage the 1.1.0 firmware. How necessary is 1.2.1 firmware?