Ajack's Menu Bar/icon Collection

I know there are the templates but I am just very very bad with graphics, every time I try to do something it's soooo awful. Forgive the english! :(

WTF!? 3 Double posts? Sorry but... I haven't done anything! D:

EDIT: If you can make a speed art or something like it and upload the making on youtube maybe I can copy it! :D

Here's a list, with all the icons i've allready done, or allready included in the last version.

  • Apps - Important
    * Arora Web Browser​
    * Openhandhelds Repository​
    Netsurf Web Browser​
    / Mplayer​

    Apps - Others
    Caanoo Controls​
    * GMU Music Player​

    Games - GPH (Quite important, I think)
    Decide 3​
    Demon's World​
    Flying Shark​
    * HellFire​
    Redemption (Liar)​
    * OutZone​
    Pipi & Bibis​
    * Snow Bros 2​
    Truxton 2​
    Twin Cobra​
    Twin Hawk​
    Zero Wing​

    Games - Important
    Balls 12​
    Bubble Train​
    * Guitars on Fire​
    King Of Fighters​
    * PenguPop​
    * Screen Break Time​
    * Super Mario War​
    * SuperTux​
    / Zelda - Oni Link Begins​
    / Zelda - Time to Triumph​
    / Zelda - Return of the hylian​
    * Zelda Solarus DX​
    * Zelda Solarus xD

    Games - Other
    4 In a row​
    Caanoo Guru (Puzzle)​
    * Hex - A - Hop​
    * Liquid Counter​
    * Metal Slug Zombies​
    * Shotsim​

    Emulators - Important
    * Final Burn Alpha​
    * Pcsx Rearmed​
    * uNGP​
    Virtual Jaguar​

    Emulators - Other
    / Atari 800 - 5200​
    / Thomson M05​
    / MSX​
    / Sam Coupè​
    / Thomson T07​
    / VecTrex​
    / Temper​
"/" - allready included in v. 2.0
"*" - allready done

Okay, some questions left:
Some games you mentioned here, I cannot find (or at least don't know them). Those are:
- 4 in a row
- cannoo guru
- shotsim
- Virtual Jaguar

For the icons, which should be allready included try to find them. It's sometimes a bit harded, e.g. with "Mplayer", it's under "GNU Mplayer". "Temper" is one of the ginge apps, so look for it at "Ginge-ified - Temper", and so on. :)

If you'd like, you can also make screenshots (using this) of the games still missing an icon, so I haven't to search for some good ones.

I'll try my best, to make the pack ready :)
Tried one titlebar.... here it is! :D

Is this ok? Should I change something? :D
Hey, this looks really promising for your first try. :)

If you'd like, I can send you a cutted down .xcf of my icons, so you can see, how they are made. Or you can use the .psd by Thorax (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8904639/caanoo/gg1.psd).

Okay, that's, what should be changed:
- The big title ("Redemption" should be a bit more left, have a black 1px border and a 30% visible 1px shadow.
- The Description should be a bit higher (I think at least) and have a black 1px border, too. And there should be an gradient top-bottom from white to 30% black.
- The Background layer should have a horizontal gradient from Black to transparent

You could see those layers in my .xcf. BTW: Are you using gimp? I do (actually the german version), so I could maybe help you a bit.
Ok, how can apply your settings on GIMP? :P
I'm using the italian one and I don't know how to do it! D:
Can I send it to you with an eMail? I don't like to upload it somewhere...

I can try to explain those Gimp funktions as good as possible. It's nearly the same for each icon, so learning it once and using it for every icon. :)

EDIT: Look my post above. I've made some progress.
I know this thread is getting a little old now but there are still some apps and games that don't have an banner or icon for them.  I would like to give it a shot.  I have GIMP.  Could anyone supply the .xcf config setting so I can start right away?
Also, what are the settings for the image to fade in from the left (around 25% of the way in) from black to the actual background image used?
Any help on the standardised settings would be appreciated.