Release Airball - 25th anniversary edition


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
On the repo you can find here a great remake of Airball. Those who had an AtariST must remember this game.

This is a full remake, and you will revive the old AtariST music, plus some added features, like slots to save/reload the games.

Somes screenshots: 130109-221232.png130109-221802.png130109-221314.png (like in the old time, it' a fun but difficult game, I cheated here, got a save slot near the end from the author, but still manage to die)

You can find more informations on the remake by Clement CORDE here, and some more remakes !

History log:



  • removed libts from PND, should be compatible with slackware now !


  • Initial release
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Thanks for posting about this, i have several versions of this on Pandora already but this is a welcome addition. Looks good, hope i get to play it later.

Is there a noticable difference in difficulty curve compared to the original or other ports?
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I don't know how it compare to the other port (in fact, I didn't known there were others ports). It's still hard, but the save/load slot is a great addition, and make the game less frustating.

But try it, and tell us how it compare !
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Plays pretty solidly, although i must say nub support would be nice in future versions (if there are any). Sometimes its a little confusing with the Dpad and that has cost me a Life once or twice.

It compares pretty favourably to the original and also the console ports ( dpad controls on the nes version are very similar) your version benefits from the save slot feature. However the 8 bit nes version does have some cool music and different shading style on the main sprite, you might want to check it out.  However i will point out that if you're going to play the rather nice nes port of this game, it has compatibility issues with GPFCE so use another emulator.
Plays pretty solidly, although i must say nub support would be nice in future versions (if there are any). Sometimes its a little confusing with the Dpad and that has cost me a Life once or twice.

It compares pretty favourably to the original and also the console ports ( dpad controls on the nes version are very similar) your version benefits from the save slot feature. However the 8 bit nes version does have some cool music and different shading style on the main sprite, you might want to check it out.  However i will point out that if you're going to play the rather nice nes port of this game, it has compatibility issues with GPFCE so use another emulator.
Thank you for your feedback. I'll try Airball on NES to see this port.
Based on test done by LINUX-Swat (Thanx again !!!), he determined that "libts", shouldn't be package inside PND, as this lib (which came from SZ Firmware, it handles Touch Screen) is not slackware friendly. So I've started some cleaning of my PND (and of course, code::blocks will be cleaned too).

Nothing changed in this release exept the removal of that lib.


  • removed libts from PND, should be compatible with slackware now !