Ahh! Blu+!


La vieille dame et les pigeons
Mar 16, 2004
North Wales, UK
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I may have to get a BLU+ but I really don't want to. Just out of curiosity to people who know, what in the code do you have to change? Is it many things or just one small part? If so, could something be made so that fxe's could easily be converted to be used with the BLU+? It's all this hex editing that's got me thinking about it.

It probably won't work, but it's just a thought.

PS, I mean a program on a PC that coinverts the fxe's.


unfortunately we tried that already in the developers forum. Evil Dragon got 2 identical fxes, apart from the LCD code.
I believe someone is already working on a program to do it, but is resident on the gp32 and modifies things on the fly rather than trying to hack the fxe.
I believe someone is already working on a program to do it, but is resident on the gp32 and modifies things on the fly rather than trying to hack the fxe.
Would that be a huge slow down?

What about mr spiv's Idea is he still working on it or has he given up?
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I believe someone is already working on a program to do it, but is resident on the gp32 and modifies things on the fly rather than trying to hack the fxe.
Interesting, do you think it's worth a gamble at getting a BLU+ yet then? In other words, is it coming out soon?

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If I were you, I'd either look for a BLU (non+) on Ebay (or the like), or get a FLU
and maybe do what Worldwriter did (silicone sealing of FLU display).
I believe someone is already working on a program to do it, but is resident on the gp32 and modifies things on the fly rather than trying to hack the fxe.
Would that be a huge slow down?

What about mr spiv's Idea is he still working on it or has he given up?
Will it be a slow down? (clever dev answer here please)
EDIT: Sorry, I must know quickly! :o
EDIT2: Cool, so this idea could be intergrated into a firmware perhaps... Then people wouldn't have to change all their programs..
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If I were you, I'd either look for a BLU (non+) on Ebay (or the like), or get a FLU
and maybe do what Worldwriter did (silicone sealing of FLU display).

Yeah but silicone sealing of a FLU won't fix the washed out colors or the trapezoid. I would get a BLU from ebay or somewhere like that.
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If I were you, I'd either look for a BLU (non+) on Ebay (or the like), or get a FLU
and maybe do what Worldwriter did (silicone sealing of FLU display).

Yeah but silicone sealing of a FLU won't fix the washed out colors or the trapezoid. I would get a BLU from ebay or somewhere like that.
k, thanks. Yeah, I think that Ebay is the best bet because then he could buy it with the inssurance money and send it to me :D
EDIT: only one problem, they don't seem to ever put the speeds....
EDIT2: It does (I just couldn't see al the Q and A's because I'm not an ebay member :P
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If I were in that situation, I'd get it if it didn't overclock anyway, as long is it's a BLU. Then if I wanted it to overclock that badly (if it already didn't), I'd send it somewhere to be modded.