Age Profile Of Gp2x Members

I claim 40 as my own - hah!
Now no-one else shall have it... (or want it I guess - apart from fatdad :) ).
What an age range here!

Wrote Vic20 software and then released 'one game & other stuff' on Atari ST; now just (work) dev and get paid for it..
Wish I had more time to turn it back into a hobby again!
It is really good to see such a wide average here, I had just assumed that the scene would be appealling for the slightly older, by that I mean 30's, because I grew up in the era of spectrum, c64, plus 4, amstrad, lynx, gamegear, gameboy, megadrive, snes etc.....

I am pleasently suprised,but that said, my 11 year old son loves the older games and has one of my old gp32's, which he uses more than his ds :)
I claim 40 as my own - hah!
Now no-one else shall have it... (or want it I guess - apart from fatdad).
What an age range here!

NOT SO FAST!!!! I will be 42 in August. All these youngin's. I don't think there are many of us that remember playing the Atari 2600 back in the 70's. Never got that system although I REALLY wanted one (my cousins had it and I was SO jealous). I remember my dad coming home from work one day and showing me the raincheck slip (they were a hot item back in the day). That was about as close as I ever got to owning one back then. :( Eventually picked one up during '84 after the videogame crash. You'd walk into any department store and there were HUGE BINS of 2600 games for like a buck a piece. Good AND bad times, all at once!
30. Started my gaming/computing/programming on my beloved C64 C (Vice/Frodo were BIG incentives when I bought my GP2X!)

Equipment ownership order:

1) Atari 2600
2) C64
3) NES
4) Sega MS
5) Amiga 500
6) 486/33
7) 486/66
8) P90
9) PPro 200
10) PSX
11) P3 233
12) PS2
12) iMac G4
13) Athlon 2400
14) PowerMac dual G5
15) gp2x :-)

Some work owned laptops and other stuff in between that i didn't own
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Normally I wouldn't care for posting personal details, but what the heck...

20 since five days ago.
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I'm younger than people expect.

But my first computer was still a 48k spectrum (actually given to me by my grandad got one of the very first 48k spectrums made when I was 3) and since I only had the bundled 'wall game' I quickly learned to program in Basic, my grandad showing me how from around age 6, explaining about variables and showing me how to make an adventure game with the 'input' command.

Great days. I think my family got a little bored with my mini adventure games which i'd force them to play through though.

It then went: 48k, SMS, MD, Amiga, PC, GBC, GBA, GP32, GP2X.
31 here ..
sinclair spectrum + c64 + nes + snes + sega megadrive + game boy + game boy advance + game boy advance sp + psx + ps2 + nintendo ds + gp2x

:) we all look like gaming-hardware related salesman :)) don`t we ?
14. The first real console I owned was a Gameboy Pocket. Got it from Argos with Super Mario Land 1 and 2 and a free case for £47 :)
check out the penny arcade thats dont get an emulator for those big old penny to fly a chopper... :D