

Active Member
Mar 3, 2003
why taunt me with jealous cruelty! I can't get it too work, downloaded it off the site reccommened on the frodo website, all I do is select the .d64 image and click load first program but it then just goes to a screen saying "ready", i've left it for about 20 seconds to see if it does something but it doesn't
just typing it straight after it says ready?

[EDIT] Just tried that, still says "Ready" gonna leave it for a few minutes, see whats happens

[Further edit] Just left it running and screen went weird, when i opened main menu the screen faded, I also noticed that the battery area was getting very hot!
um.. guys.. just press SELECT to run the 'inserted' tape :blink:

says so right on the menu screen :P

oh... and if the screen fades like that, then yer batteries are more than likely run-dun
i'm not that stupid
I've done that, thats why it loaded and said "Ready"
if it loaded correctly, it wouldnt say 'ready' :P

could either be a bad rom, or just wont work... try the other version of Frodo (FrodoPC)

Ive notcied a few so far that just wont run
The "loader" in Frodo loads the FIRST program on the disk.... as another thread here states, often the first program isn't an executable program, probably due to cracked disks. Search the forums, that one includes detailed loading info. Or, if you are interested in a different method, search the web for a d64 editor. Then move the executable (prg file) up to the first slot on the disk, resave, and upload to your GP32 again. I've made several games run using this method. Of course, some games just won't run (never tried afterburner, sorry).
Guys, download the latest Frodo version 0.7, then do this:

- start Frodo using FreeLauncher
- when the known C-64 screen appears, press START
- choose a D64 or T64 disk/tape image (these are not ROMs, they are disk or tape images!) and press A
- now press SELECT and Frodo will start load the image... oh, remember to press START again to let the menu disappear

Also, note that loading a C-64 game may take a while, sometimes a loooong while. Of course, it would take the GP32 only 1/2 second to load those tiny 100 or less KB into its RAM, but hey, this is emulation and C-64 disk drive was quite slow, oh yeah, the datasette was even slower...

Hope that helps :)

If you really hate the loading times then turn limit speed to off. The games will load up quicker however some games run extremely fast so turn it off when its loaded.
Anyone got a good quick link for attatching 3 disk images (Been giving be grief to get grand monster slam working)

I thought this thread was going to be about some guy trying to add a GBA afterburner to a non-flu GP32 :P
Im not exactly sure what your problem is but I hope this helps.
Attach your d64 image then select load d64/dir browser.
Then a list of all the games on your disk image will be displayed with letters next to them.
Open the keyboard and press the letter to load the game you want to play.
