Gpscumm Help!


Chocobo Tamer
Nov 27, 2003
United States
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Well, I am cnew to SCUMMVM and stuff. But anyway, I am suing the 132mhz version of GPSCUMM. I downloaded a Sam and Max demo off the official SCUMMVM website. I got these files when I downloaded it: samdemo.000 samdemo.001 monster.sou and instruments. Well, I creat a directory in GPMM called SCUMM.

Then I put all 4 files in it. I then boot up GPSCUMM. i browse for the files in SCUMM, but they do not appear to be there. Then, I click on the whole SCUMM directory, and click "Choose".

Then a screen comes up saying about the ID, Name, Path and the options to Use Full Screen and the use the Amiga Palette. I just click ok, with none of those options on.

Then on the main screen I click Sam & Max (Demo) and click start.

Then a screen with bacl and white dots appear on the bottom half of the screen. Then a few seconds later, a screen comes up saying "looking for samdemo. Trying to start game Sam and Max (Demo). Then a second or 2 later, my GP32 restarts!

How do I fix this so I can play my Sam and Max demo? :(
Thanks, but it still doesn't work :( I downloaded Dj willis's version, but when I boot it up it says about an illegal charset or something..

EDIT: I should also mention I downloaded the mac version of the sam and max demo, and got the folders above.
hmm, maybe try the pc version (I'm not sure if there's a difference truthfully) but I'll try it tommorow and PM ya if it does work with the PC demo ;)
talking of gpscumm.
which files do i need to lift from my monkey island 1&2 discs to get it to work? having real problems!
which files do i need to lift from my monkey island 1&2 discs to get it to work?
MONKEY.000, MONKEY.001 for monkey island 1 and MONKEY2.000, MONKEY2.001 for monkey island 2.

aim for my head if i ever say "monkey" again.

also these files my not be on your "discs" directly be sure to install them to your computer first.
Make sure you put each game in a separate folder as well ie monkey folder for monkey island, sammax for sam and max. And make sure they are the PC versions.