After Using Sd Cards With The Pandora Other Computers Won't Read T


Oct 29, 2009
I've been having trouble with this for a while now. When I first got my SD cards (one Kingston class 4 32gb and one Kingston class 4 16gb) everything worked fine. I loaded them with files from my Macbook and started using them on the pandora. On day two of having my pandora, my Macbook stopped reading both of the SD cards (from it's internal SD slot) but kept reading other cards I hadn't used in the pandora. I went out and bought a card reader to try it on a windows computer but it didn't work. I also tried the card reader on my Macbook but it was to no avail. I can't find a single computer that will read either of the cards via a card reader or SD slot. For a week or two now I've been getting by with copying files onto my external HD and then onto the pandora via usb but I've run into a problem. I really need to install the hotfix 3 to fix some issues I've been having but I read that if your SD card has a space in the title it won't run .pnds. My SD cards do have spaces in the title and since I can't connect them to my computer I can't change the title to one with no spaces. I figured it was time to stop procrastinating and just make a help topic about it. So, what can I do to fix this? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Edit: If you read this, I'm sure you can guess what the topic was supposed to say...
mali said:
Pester the OPT guys they should release Gparted for Pandora already.

Why? We don't need to be formatting SD's on our Pandora. (Especially since the Panasonic SD formatter is the only one that takes into account the fact that it is formatting flash media)

-God Ginrai
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^ I've revived cards that were considered dead on a PC with gparted on my N800. How should the OP be able to use the Panasonic formatter when the PC doesn't accept the card? ;)
Does the Panasonic Formatter work with Wine or is there a Linux equivalent?
I suspect that the Panasonic Formatter merely set a sane and appropriate
number for CHS cylinders, heads, sectors
So run it (Panasonic Formatter), then put card into Pandora
and run fdisk /dev/...
type p, make a (written) note for THAT card of CHS for later, when card screws up

With fdisk when you type x you can manually enter CHS, type c, h, etc
When done r to return to main menu to make partitions, type etc
Then mkdosfs -F 32 -n label /dev/... or mke2fs -m 0 -L label /dev/...
man mkdosfs, man fdisk, man mkfs.ext3 etc
<tab> completes commands, checks yr spelling, tells you if it is there at all
One of the secrets is: Do you know the first 3 letters (for ...) ??
type mk<tab><tab>
Note : no partition for fdisk eg /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1
For mkfs nearly always /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda2 etc

We so need gparted ,one of the best if not the best partitioning tool you can use ,but i must admit we should not be messing around with sd cards like this ,there simply should be no need to but the pandora does have problems reading some cards and i think also mabe messing cards up.
I had this problem. If you changed folder views in Thunar while browsing your SD cards, it glitches things up like this. Use the default folder views, and I think thats what fixed it for me. I might have deleted those hidden .w something folders that gets sprinkled everywhere too.
I never changed the folder view, but just to check what is the default one? I also can't use the panasonic formatter because I can't get a PC to read the card.
I had a similar problem with not being able to read it on windows. I was able to read it on my hackintosh netbook. I backed everything up and formatted it in disk utility. I reformatted it in windows with the Panasonic formatter. I hope this doesn't happen again, but if it does, I'll get over it.

Just for note. 16 gig class 6 patriot sd card formatted initially in mac osx for fat.