SD slot won't 'lock' cards in place


Dec 11, 2004
Hi all,

I just got my fixed Pandora back (I had the purple tint of doom) and cards won't lock into the right hand SD slot. The slot just ejects them sraight away. I've tried this with a few cards and the same thing happens with all of them.

Has this happened to anyone else, and is there a way to fix it?

The spring works okay, then? If that's the case I wouldn't imagine it being too hard to fix, since the SD card carriage is accessable when you remove the bottom of the Pandora's case. Though if you want to keep your warranty you could send it back for repairs.

Like I said, it should be pretty easy to fix, and I believe someone here mentioned that finding any replacement parts for the sd component of the Pandora should be pretty easy to come by, but as far as specifics I can't really help you out there.
Eridger - thanks for that, Debs at OpenPandora is going to have a word with Craig so I'll see what comes of that. I'll maybe stick a post on GP32x to see if there anyone there has come across this.

TrashyMG - good point, I never thought of that! It's win win :-)