Advice On Blu Purchase Please...


God I'm old.
Jun 9, 2003
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Hey GP32 fans,

I've begun really missing the GP32, so despite the evil fact that I can no longer buy my favorite GP32 game (All For Princess), I've decided to get a BLU.

Here's where I need some advice...

Lik Sang has the BLU pretty cheap, and they say they're guaranteed at 166Mhz.

GBAX has the BLU too, but it costs extra for the 166Mhz guaranteed.

Is Lik Sang lying? Are they really 166Mhz guaranteed? Or would I be better off paying more for GBAX to modify one?

Apologies if any of this is obvious, I've been out of the GP32 scene for ages.
i would goto lik-sang. Mine ocs to over 170 i think and i have bought about 3 or 4 more form them and they all went at least 166.
I got mine from lik-sang and it is 166mhz and obviously lik-sang woudn't lie due to it's reputation as a gaming source. :)
just checked and this is the quote
Product Features
# Latest GP32 BLU [Back Light Unit] Version
# International and multilingual Firmware
# Plays Emulators and Software without registering
# Up to 166 MHz Clock Speed out-of-the-box
note the Up to 166mhz hope this helps ,, have fun
Wheres it say 'guaranteed' on LIKSANG?

Thought was stated as 'Up to 166 MHz Clock Speed out-of-the-box'

Oops, you're right. I checked and it only says "Up to 166 MHz Clock Speed out-of-the-box."

Hmm... Even more confused now. All I want is to do a stable 166Mhz though. For GP32 I think that's pretty good.
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yeah upto pretty much means it is just what ever get it from gbax i would say they are very fast and will definatly give you a 166mhz so you can play snes that little bit faster than me on my 156mhz max gp
last time i checked lik-sang just advertised a gp32 as upto 166mhz,, so not really a 166mhz garentueed so read the small print,, buy from gbax support the competitions,, enjoy and weelcome back :D

Thanks so much. :) Just not sure whether the speed mod is needed or not. Sounds like it's a gamble. You might get 166 or more from a normal BLU. Or you might not.

Can the mod harm the GP32 or shorten its life? I think it involves increasing voltages right?
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what is that thing that shows you your clock speed? if I can get that I will be able tell you if it is 166 mhz or not.
Wheres it say 'guaranteed' on LIKSANG?

Thought was stated as 'Up to 166 MHz Clock Speed out-of-the-box'

Oops, you're right. I checked and it only says "Up to 166 MHz Clock Speed out-of-the-box."

Hmm... Even more confused now. All I want is to do a stable 166Mhz though. For GP32 I think that's pretty good.

From what I have heard most of these do not go to 166 from Lik-Sang but a few do though. You would have to "get lucky". It is kind of like an add that a store puts out saying "up to 50%off" which really means from 0%-50%.

There is also the option to do the resistor mod yourself (if you get a sub-166 one) if you are handy with an iron. It is not real hard and there is a detailed exp on on how to do it. If you do the mod then you are guaranteed to get at least 166 out of any BLU. It also says if you put the correct resistors in you will still be within the operational voltage limits of the CPU, so you won't bake the CPU. Battery life loss is soposed to be un-noticeable with the mod.

You may want to contact in the US as he sells GP32 and Zodiac stuff and I think he has guaranteed 166 BLUs ones as well.

One other recommendation, get the glass screen mod or DIY. You remember that cruddy blue smudgy stuff on the stock screen. With glass it is so much clearer.
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you keep saying gbax mod them to go 166. They dont they just open them and see if they go 166mhz. Maybe im wrong there but i dont see why they would do any mod if it already gos 166. I really have bought 4 or 5 blus form lik-sang and all went at least 166. I just dont like gbax coz they seem to be very expensive and thats even b4 you actually get to checkout where they add more on :o.
Thanks Dave,

Out of respect for Craig and the cool stuff GBAX does, I'm going with him this time, and I'll pay the extra for the 166Mhz. I'm fine with soldering, but meh, it's one less headache for me, I'll just let someone more experienced do it.

Actually it turns out GBAX is not bad at all for US orders. I just calculated the shipping and it's $222.65 total for the 166Mhz BLU.

Plus GBAX includes an SMC reader and a CD of emus (not that I need it but it's nice). Not a bad deal at all. I thought the BP->USD exchange rate would be worse that that.

At Lik Sang it would be $204. But you don't get the 166Mhz mod or the SMC reader (worth ~$10). And if you don't have an SMC reader, and I don't, you need one anyway IMO.
you keep saying gbax mod them to go 166. They dont they just open them and see if they go 166mhz. Maybe im wrong there but i dont see why they would do any mod if it already gos 166. I really have bought 4 or 5 blus form lik-sang and all went at least 166. I just dont like gbax coz they seem to be very expensive and thats even b4 you actually get to checkout where they add more on :o.

Actually I think they do mod them if they do not already overclock up to 166mhz.
"We have our units professionally modifed to be stable at 166/180mhz" <_<

Anyways they are more expensive but who are the ones that are coming up with the competitions and donating Gp32's? Also who ported Doom? I'm not saying that their compos and such justifies the price but you can't say it doesn't either. They liven up the scene.

Btw I don't think you calculated the price correctly prophet. $225 should not be right 119.99£ ~ $219. Shipping to USA is more also, maybe you should recalculate the shipping. <_<
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Holy crap...

When you get to the Worldpay screen, the actual final total is nearly $270?! =o


I just checked out your store and read some good stuff about you on the boards.

We're both in the USA, so how much is shipping from you usually?

edit: nevermind, I'll just email you or something.
Shipping within the USA generally costs around $10, depends on weight. Anyways i'm getting more Gp32's by Saturday so you may have to wait a few days, if you wanted them from me. :)
About 45% - 55% of GP32's blu's reach 166mhz and stay there without crashing after 10mins or so.

Our GP32's are modded by

There isn't much I can do about the dollar to pound exchange rate, the dollar is so weak right now the price is expensive in dollars.

I buy almost all the GP32blus within Europe so don't pay for them in bulk in dollars either so there isn't any way I can lower the cost for people in the USA.

Obviously things can flip over and the dollar becomes strong and suddenly they are cheap, just the way it goes.
