Adaptors and the FLU


Dec 19, 2003
England, SW London, Hampton
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While browsing (I am buying a gamepark for christmas, yippee!)(Boo, another newbie to cater for..) and i noticed that there wasn't some kit for me to plug a gamepark into mains and use that electricity instead of the batteries.

Does it exist? if yes, what's it called so i can buy that as well,

(maybe it is on but i'm too much of a dope to spot it)

Also, research tells me that it is worthwhile getting the FLU gp32.
Personally, i wouldn't use the light that much and further research says that the FLU screen is DARKER than the non-FLU without the light.

Can't help with the FLU dilemma, I'm afraid (only used the FLU version myself, but it's certainly better than a GBA).

The "Mains Kit" is pretty easy to get hold of. I would expect every electrical shop would do one. The GP32 uses a tiny (0.75x2.4 mm) plug at the standard voltage of 3V.

I have a power lead running out the back of my PC via a power supply card, cable-tied to the usb lead. I plug it in when I'm transferring stuff to save on battery power.
no problem :D

Anyway, I have a Non-Flu and its Perfect and you can put the extra money you save towards a few SMC Cards :D hehe....
Please, please - get the FLU - you won't regret it - even in good daylight some applications look better with the frontlight on. And what about watching movies in bed. As far as a PSU goes, yes there are plenty of suitable multi-voltage adaptors out there (must be stabilized 300ma @ 3V), but I think the best bet is go for a dedicated 3V PSU (available in the UK from Maplin), then there's no danger of supplying the wrong voltage, which could kill your GP32 stone dead.
I have the non FLU and have never thought "damn I wish I had bought the FLU version" I seem to recall on a comparison that FLU screens were generally darker which meant you need to have the light on all the time - catch 22 really.
mallrat37 posted on Dec 19 2003 at 02:11 PM said:
I have the non FLU and have never thought "damn I wish I had bought the FLU version" I seem to recall on a comparison that FLU screens were generally darker which meant you need to have the light on all the time - catch 22 really.
my mate has a non flu and although the flu is veeeeeeeery slightly darker, the fact that you can put on a light in the dark more than makes up for it in my opinion.
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Skop posted on Dec 20 2003 at 12:47 PM said:
what polarity does the adaptor have to be?
Centre-negative, 300ma. Although if you have FLU and overclock, I'd go for a bit more. 650ma seems to be popular amongst overclockers.
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It indicates the polarity andf voltage on the case by the plug.

My bloody PSU is a pain in the ass - I need one that doesnt need to be held in tightly. A bigger jack would have been better!
god i wish i had the sense to ask about adaptors....

now my 2 week old GP32 is offically 'stone dead' :(

is there absolutly no way to get this repaired?

what with just getting opensnes9x for a couple of days and monkey island 2 working, then my GP32 dieing you can understand how my christmas was ruined :angry: