Please consider using LiFePO4 accumulator in Pandora:
Information: ... te_battery
Example: Pdf-file: ... 101E37DAE1 Quote: "...Curent test projecting excellent calendar life: 17% impedance growth and 23% capacity loss in 15 [fifteen!] years at 100% SOC [state-of-charge], 60 deg. C..."
Quote: "...
*1000+ (dis)charge deep-cycles.
*Low self-discharge; 5% / month at 25 deg. celcius
*Very electrically robust
*Very mechanically robust - can literally be nailed without explosion danger.
*-30...60 deg. celcius operating
*a123systems ANR26650M1 3.3V 2.3Ah can be charged in 15 minutes.
*a123systems ANR26650M1 3.3V 2.3Ah cells are laserwelded instead of crimping, which lower water losses and therefore extends celllife.
Traditional (Li-ion (polymer)) lithium-accumulator only handles 300-500 (dis)charge deep-cycles:
How to prolong lithium-based batteries:
Quote: "... A lithium-ion battery provides 300-500 discharge/charge cycles. The battery prefers a partial rather than a full discharge. Frequent full discharges should be avoided when possible...Increasing internal resistance with cycle life and age is typical for cobalt-based lithium-ion, a system that is used for cell phones, cameras and laptops because of high energy density. The lower energy dense manganese-based lithium-ion, also known as spinel, maintains the internal resistance through its life but loses capacity due to chemical decompositions..."
Information: ... te_battery
Example: Pdf-file: ... 101E37DAE1 Quote: "...Curent test projecting excellent calendar life: 17% impedance growth and 23% capacity loss in 15 [fifteen!] years at 100% SOC [state-of-charge], 60 deg. C..."
Quote: "...
*1000+ (dis)charge deep-cycles.
*Low self-discharge; 5% / month at 25 deg. celcius
*Very electrically robust
*Very mechanically robust - can literally be nailed without explosion danger.
*-30...60 deg. celcius operating
*a123systems ANR26650M1 3.3V 2.3Ah can be charged in 15 minutes.
*a123systems ANR26650M1 3.3V 2.3Ah cells are laserwelded instead of crimping, which lower water losses and therefore extends celllife.
Traditional (Li-ion (polymer)) lithium-accumulator only handles 300-500 (dis)charge deep-cycles:
How to prolong lithium-based batteries:
Quote: "... A lithium-ion battery provides 300-500 discharge/charge cycles. The battery prefers a partial rather than a full discharge. Frequent full discharges should be avoided when possible...Increasing internal resistance with cycle life and age is typical for cobalt-based lithium-ion, a system that is used for cell phones, cameras and laptops because of high energy density. The lower energy dense manganese-based lithium-ion, also known as spinel, maintains the internal resistance through its life but loses capacity due to chemical decompositions..."