About The Supported Video Types


Oct 18, 2005
Right now it currently supports a few types of video playback. Is it possible in the future for it to have expanded playback such as divx 6, h.264, mkv file type things?
I think if a developer ports the codecs and the system has the power to decode such formats then yes this will be possible. This also depends on how open the format is and how easy it is to port.
divx6 is downwards compatible to divx5, so that will likely work. dont know about the others, but iam sure theres a way to add new codecs.
triton posted on Oct 18 2005 at 11:07 AM said:
that would be kinda cool yeah

i hope it gets support for .ogm and .mkv

-those are very important ones to me due to the fact alot of dual audio anime are in that format :)
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