About Scaling In Gpsp


Still Fresh
Jan 22, 2010
Hi to all..
Sorry for my sure ignorance, but playing to this emulator I've noticed that the unscaled size of the screen is almost like the gb micro (I never had one of these), while the scaled one is just a bit larger than the size of a normal gba, and this influence the quality of the image itself, which looks grainy.. It would be possible to "change the scaled size" to the normal gba dimension, so we'll have a real gba-like game experience with this emulator?
Excuse me if I said something stupid, and thank you for reading :)
The resolution on GBA micro and the GBA are the same. The gba micro has a higher density of pixels, hence the smaller size. The scaling in gpSP just stretches the gba resolution to the wiz resolution. The wiz's pixel density is higher than of a GBA Sp or classic, so the unscaled image is smaller. There is no other scaling option to change the size of the screen. Why would you want to make the image smaller anyway?
Thanks Mr.Twist.. Reading your answer I understood I've made a giant mistake... I'm very sorry for bothering you... It's obvious that the scaling is about pixels, about resolution, and not about "millimeters" :P .. I don't know how this idea came to mi mind, maybe 'cause the time... Sorry again, please forgive me ^^'...