About a RTS port


Still Fresh
Jun 20, 2003
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People its talkin about porting this or that RTS, like Z, and the need of the source code to be released or being already released.

There is a nice engine called Freecraft, with which you can play original Warcraft levels. I think they have in mind making it to play also Starcraft maps. The best of all: its open software. Maybe someone could port it, it's just an idea.... but hey....

Excuse my bad english :P :P :P
There is also something of the same idea i belive its FreeC&C or something like that. That one plays, as you may have guessed, the original Comand and Conquer maps. Though as i recall you needed to copy a few things over from your original cd. I dunno but i thought it was worth a mention now that we are FINALLY on this topic hehe :D

i looked at the freecraft source, the zip file contains 500+files :lol:

not gonna happen

unless someone has WAY too much free-time on their hands
I got 3 cool game source codes and i wanted to see if i could port them over as ther are sdl but i dont have visual c++ :(

wanted to try porting something but i cant :(

but the games i got were Pacman and puyo pop (this game looks great) and the best place to find sdl ports kinda liek xrick? BeOS :D yeah beos has ALOT of game apps with the source code which alot of them are sdl so they can be ported to all platfroms so these games would be great for some1 :)

You know what, I think freecrafts doable. At the moment it needs a 166 pentium with 16 meg of ram 64ox480 display, and 20meg HD space. But on the forum a pocketPC user asked about a port, and they said it should be ok. Basically you would reduce the screen res, number of units displayed, lower quality sound, to get it to run in ram, and fit the display. Storage for the files isn't a problem. By reducing screen size +number of units, and the sound you can reduce the CPU overhead as well. I gather they haven't even started to optomise the code yet, so you can expect the size of the code to decrease, and the requirements to go down. It would be a fairly big task though, but a lot better than starting from scratch. The downfall is that you would need the original files before you can run it as warcraft. Nothing stopping you from creating your own graphics and sounds though...
i looked at the freecraft source, the zip file contains 500+files :lol:

not gonna happen

unless someone has WAY too much free-time on their hands
That's not a reasonable assumption. It all depends on how things are organized. It may be that only 10 files covering graphics, sound, input and maybe filesystem access even need to be touched. Remember.. it's not quantity, but quality. :P
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FreeCraft stops

thank you blizzard, its nice to see bigger companies burrying the smaller guys
these days. now that the project is shut down i suggest that the sources
get downloaded before they disappear
(if blizzard was so bothered by this, why didnt they shut it down YEARS ago?)
big buisness at its best :angry:
That's it, i'm downloading the WHOOOOOOOOLE library of blizzard games JUST to piss them off.