A Series Of Interviews : The Aaaa Team


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2010

We're following the various projects of the Riot Tag-Team Coding Competition since the beginning. In our forum, we made interviews of french devs like Zx81 ( http://caanoo.forumactif.net/t457-a-la-rencontre-des-developpeurs-zx-81 ).

We had the idea to make interviews of the Caanoo devs involved in the Competition. They will also be translated in french.

Quasist is known in the Caanoo world with FleshChasmer: The Eve, Adamant Armor Affection, Mutant Tank Knights and Worship Vector. He's the first to answer our questions.

Don Miguel is known in the GP32 world with Super Plusha , that is to be ported to Caanoo soon, but shhhh... :) He's not there at the moment, but I hope he will answer when he'll come back.

They have allied to make the now famous Adamant Armor Affection Adventure on Caanoo and Wiz. Time to learn more about them...

BAF : First, could you introduce yourself briefly ?

Quasist : I'm 24 year old homebrew gaming enthusiast from Russia.
Cannot tell much for/about my teammate Don Miguel - he is now far away from internet teaching russian elite shkolota* how to code in C# and play garmoshka.

*Shkolota = is a russian slang name for successuful young people in school.

BAF : How did you two meet ? What made you decide to work together ?

Quasist : My team knew each other back from GP2X days since 2006. The russian gp2x/wiz/caanoo scene is originated from gbx.ru forum. And that is the place where I managed to get my GP2X smuggled into my country right into my possession.
The Don Miguel had a few gp2x projects announced for a few years, but I thought he need a kind mental kick to get back on GP2X rails :P

BAF : What was your background as developers before working on the Caanoo? Is this the first console on which you develop?

Quasist : The first console I developed for - was the GP2X. Before that I used to be a pascal addict.
Few years ago I tried began developing for Nintendo DS but my flashcard was fried at instant.
When I tried to began deving for android (even before first hardware on market) the SDK for download was broken that night. So I took it all as a signs to my superstition nature and began developing only for the best open handhelds only.

BAF Can you tell us a little about your project for the Riot Tag-Team Coding Competition ? How came the idea ? What are your inspirations ?

Quasist : : A PC/PS2 game ManHunt, Splinter Cell and, of course, Famous Infiminer clone.

BAF : How do you divide your work ? What part of the game, at the technical level, gave you the biggest difficulty?

Quasist : The organisation. The team organisation, the self-organisation. It is like trying create gold from clear air. You do not know at first steps what exact resources you can can get a hold on.
The most technical difficulty was to develop the OpenGL ES/OpenGL renderer that would have us (the developers) to test builds and content integration on a PC as well as on caanoo/wiz. Don Miguel has no wiz/caanoo hardware so PC builds was the only way he could properly tune the art.

BAF : In your opinion, how AAAA will make the difference over the other games in the competition ?

Quasist : It is the only stealth-action game in the competition. Even the only 3D action game! The most deep interaction comes from avoiding enemies by hiding in darkness.
The most part of game is consist of secrets. There is a ton of hidden stuff.

BAF : What do you think of Caanoo as a open source console ? And about the development of homebrew on it ?

Quasist : Since there in no automated homebrew development systems on caanoo, so it is up to developers. If your open system does have no exclusive homebrew titles - then your system is a complete vapourware. The homebrew is the face of handheld.

BAF : What advice would you give to those who wish to embark on the adventure of creation ?

Quasist : Do not interact with inert filth around.

BAF : What are your future projects ?

Quasist : Cannot announce any, since It would make me responsible to complete them.
There's plan to get a hold on row of dingoo models hardware to increase project target platforms (and I believe in nD).

BAF : A word to add ?

Quasist : 0xEFFF

BAF : Thanks a lot Quasist.


More interviews are coming, just wait while loading....