A proper port of Gnumeric ??


Hardcore Member
May 7, 2012
神戸市、日本 (Japan)
A request here - currently we do not have a proper spreadsheet soft for pandora, and this is missing when I want to open a xls file for example.

Of course we have Gnumeric in the repo but that version is pretty much useless, it crashes when you try to make a graph.

Is anyone willing to provide a proper port?
I know it's annoying: Libre office runs well on pandebian.

I agree with you: We need a proper PND if we coould get one.
I know it's annoying: Libre office runs well on pandebian.

I have heard about this before, but could not see any indication on how to install stuff using Pandebian. Even in the thread it seems like everybody already knew how it works. So you install software from the pandebian terminal provided in the PND ? And it works directly like that?
You can use the Gnumeric version from Angstrom repo. I use this and works perfect, even graphics

EDIT: Ingoreis have clear instructions on how to install Gnumeric from Angstrom repo ;)
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I wonder why nearly no one use Opkg for so Things.

In the Nand you have ~100MB free and when you Type with activated Wlan in Terminal

sudo opkg update

and then

sudo opkg install gnumeric --force-overwrite

after 5 Minutes Downloading you have Gnumeric Work and there is enough Place for it in the Nand.

Here tested and works perfect.


But with this Software works it without Problems :D


Hehe even now one give the Tip short before me :lol:
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Somebody should write a tool to convert opkg packages to PND automatically. It should be doable: track down any dependencies that are not in the default OS, put all of it together, adjust LD_LIBRARY_PATH, generate a PXML and icon from the angstrom metadata, squashfs it and upload it to the repo.

A proper Pandora version would of course be a bit more work, that cannot be automated: tune the interface to 800x480, remap some keys to be more comfortable, etc.
Woahhh moment...That is a great Idea.

And then with a Graphical Manager who let choose you the Apps Like Synaptic in Debian.

Download a Software with Depencies,and convert it automatic to PND.

Maybe a Windows Angstrom PNDMAKER Software,then you can make your PNDs in Windows automatly with that.

And it Copy the Final PND to the SD or the Stick ;)

Great great Idea for some Software but who makes it? ^_^
The only problem is, that pnd_run can't catch all env variables and functions, that write stuff to the nand and sometimes you need to alter the program itself to prevent it from writing to the nand. So a program, that was converted from opkg to pnd may write to the nand.

Also some programs want their data in special folders on the nand like /etc /share /bin. If they are forced to run out of a pnd that might not work correctly.

If you wnat to package programs from pandebian into pnds, you package ALL dependencies! That sometimes is a lot and explains, why pnds like frozen bubble are so big.
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I haven't used it much but whats wrong with the prepackaged one on the wiki that sebt3 did?

Edit:Gnumeric.pnd that is.
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A request here - currently we do not have a proper spreadsheet soft for pandora, and this is missing when I want to open a xls file for example.

Of course we have Gnumeric in the repo but that version is pretty much useless, it crashes when you try to make a graph.

I tried, but the install of Pandebian failed twice on my system. First time, it stopped with an error when creating the Pandebian partition. (loopback file).

The second time, it managed to create the partition, and started downloading all packages. After packages were downloaded (took a Looooooooooong time) during the unpacking of one of them my Pandora froze and I had to do a hard reset. This was clearly linked to Pandebian as I had no other software running and my Pandora never freezes usually.

Any recommendation to avoid this kind of issues when installing pandebian ?
I also had to do it twice, but I think it doesn't need to download everything twice, but can pickup where it left, iirc.
I also had to do it twice, but I think it doesn't need to download everything twice, but can pickup where it left, iirc.

Maybe you are talking about the situation where you have already installed pandebian... I could not reach the end because of the freeze and when I select the existing loopback file from the installer again when restarting it tells me the file is not valid - so I have to start from scratch again. Argh.
Ok finally managed to go till the end of the install.

Now I have libre Office and it works perfectly. However it seems that you cannot Open files which are OUT of the Debian distribution... how do you access files and folders from your normal SD card? How do you mount them so that they can be visible??

Another question : I managed to install scim and anthy and get japanese input support with ibus as well, and it works very nicely, however it ONLY recognizes the applications opened in PanDebian, not the other gtk applications on screen from the Pandora system...I assume this is a limitation of the PanDebian install, but is there any way around it ?