A Pinned "i Flashed My Firmware!!kewl!!111"

nerd of nerds

Feb 25, 2003
it seems like every couple days someone flashed their firmware and feels the need to tell everyone... :rolleyes: maybe a pinned topic for people to say "Hey it worked!!!!111" would be a good idea... ;)

EDIT: 700 W00T :D
heh, I flashed my firmware...sounds dirty, man!!!

[edit] Incidentlly anyone know if repeated flashing of your firmware can damage your :gp32:? Like forty times or something, could it ever damage it?
In honor of the 700 posts, a new forum will be created where Blipped_04 is moderator, post counts are brought back and spam rules the world!!! :lol:
Yeah, where is Blipped? He seems to have left after post counts were taken away.

EDIT: Found his last post: Edited by Mod - Blipped, you should really learn not to flame and expect it to be ignored by mods.
flashed my fw last night for the first time :D

flashed to the euro beta from the orig korean, I like the euro fw bit more professional looking... anyway no problems here... can someone suggest something that doesnt work in Euro Beta because so far it has launched everything I have thrown at it.

will try the new Aqua fw afer the next battery recharge cycle.
Iorgy77 posted on May 17 2004 at 04:46 AM said:
flashed my fw last night for the first time :D
Sounds almost likr that Madonna's hit song in -80s :P
"..flashed my fw for the very first time.."
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I think I may have unintentionally caused this. I made a topic about my successful flashing awhile ago, in an attemt to dismiss some of the fears there may be about doing it.

I sure was afriad to wreck my gp32_console , but after seeing how easy and painless it was, i wanted to assure others, like myself, not to be timid about it.

Sorry if I started something annoying :(
I made a topic about my successful flashing awhile ago, in an attemt to dismiss some of the fears there may be about doing it.

Is it just me or is this hilarious.

LMAO :lol:

I can just imagine something like this.

Yeah it's fine with boxers but don't try it with jockey shorts. Better still don't wear anthing under your coat but be careful not to get it caught in any zips.
BaDToaD posted on May 17 2004 at 08:38 AM said:
I made a topic about my successful flashing awhile ago, in an attemt to dismiss some of the fears there may be about doing it.

Is it just me or is this hilarious.

LMAO :lol:

I can just imagine something like this.

Yeah it's fine with boxers but don't try it with jockey shorts. Better still don't wear anthing under your coat but be careful not to get it caught in any zips.

...unintentional .... but damn funny from my end as well!
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arf, this thread is most ham oozing

I also flashed mine with the b3ta european firmware and I must say it's good, the startup sound and the fact you don't need to use the launcher to lauch the programs

makes me glad I swapped from the korean, looking forward to the stable release with background picture support :)
sigh...all the dirtyish comments...

back on topic...it could also dismiss some of the fears of flashing... ;) and have a little firmware faq...
NO MORE PINNED THREADS PLEASE. theres too many as it is and if someone has even looked at the site for more than 30 mins then they'll realise that its completely safe