A New Toy..but What System?

Ringo posted on May 9 2004 at 04:36 PM said:
Axeman posted on May 9 2004 at 10:20 PM said:
Back on subject....

AMIGA all the way :)
Actually... I think the Amiga-discussion is kinda off-topic :P
hmmmm...i have always wondered what the deal with amigas was... :( i have never seen one...what IS the deal with em? are there fun games? neato programs? what?! i might buy one...it would be neato to have an all in one computer mod...with an amiga and pc... :unsure:

if i WERE to get an amiga, would it work with a a pc mouse and keyboard? could i just just a kvm switch? or would i need a completel different set of crap.... <_<
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I must say I'm surprised to find out that you don't know what it is :o
It was multitasking computer before the PC, and people (as you may have noticed) compare it to the Atari ST, since they had many of the same games.

Amiga 500

It wasn't using PC keyboard, mouse or monitor, but as you can see on the picture, the keyboard is an integrated part of the Amiga and provides no problem. It could be connected to a ordinary TV, since it was consider a gaming-computer.

If you're gonna try emulation the Amiga, there is a lot of free legal commercial titles available at Back To The Roots (as BaDToaD also said).
You will however need a Kickstart 1.3 ROM image, which can be compared to the TOS.img file need for Atari ST emulation. It's kinda like the FW for the GP32. It's not available legally... but can be obtained.

As for emulators WinUAE is by far the best, however you may consider using WinFellow since it is easier to use if you're not familiar with the System.

hope it helps
Ringo posted on May 10 2004 at 02:14 AM said:
I must say I'm surprised to find out that you don't know what it is :o
It was multitasking computer before the PC, and people (as you may have noticed) compare it to the Atari ST, since they had many of the same games.

Amiga 500

It wasn't using PC keyboard, mouse or monitor, but as you can see on the picture, the keyboard is an integrated part of the Amiga and provides no problem. It could be connected to a ordinary TV, since it was consider a gaming-computer.

If you're gonna try emulation the Amiga, there is a lot of free legal commercial titles available at Back To The Roots (as BaDToaD also said).
You will however need a Kickstart 1.3 ROM image, which can be compared to the TOS.img file need for Atari ST emulation. It's kinda like the FW for the GP32. It's not available legally... but can be obtained.

As for emulators WinUAE is by far the best, however you may consider using WinFellow since it is easier to use if you're not familiar with the System.

hope it helps
well, i knew it was a computer of some type... i AM 14 tho... ;) would an amiga computer with amigaos on it play all of the games?

cuz this sounds like it would be pretty fun...i am fascinated with "old" computers...
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You won't actually need Amiga OS for oldschool games since Floppy-disk are autobooting. Amiga OS is (I think) in some sence a new OS - for modern Amigas.
The classic Amiga had an OS called workbench that often was placed in a cut-down form on the floppy-disk also containing a game.

If you pick up a used Amiga 500, 600 or 1200 - it will be pretty plug'n'play. Unlike the earlier c64, the system does'nt start up in a command-promt. It waits for you to insert a game-disk and then autostarts. In that way the Amiga was very similar to the game-consoles.

Most people selling them will sell them with games to, so there should be something to play immidiatly.
Ringo posted on May 10 2004 at 06:33 AM said:
You won't actually need Amiga OS for oldschool games since Floppy-disk are autobooting. Amiga OS is (I think) in some sence a new OS - for modern Amigas.
The classic Amiga had an OS called workbench that often was placed in a cut-down form on the floppy-disk also containing a game.

If you pick up a used Amiga 500, 600 or 1200 - it will be pretty plug'n'play. Unlike the earlier c64, the system does'nt start up in a command-promt. It waits for you to insert a game-disk and then autostarts. In that way the Amiga was very similar to the game-consoles.

Most people selling them will sell them with games to, so there should be something to play immidiatly.
ok...but, what are some good games for it? so i can know what to look for and so i can make sure that it will rock my socks off...to the max.... :D but it DOES sound fun...

but should i look for the all in one keyboard dealies? or the desktop dealies?
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Ringo posted on May 10 2004 at 12:33 PM said:
You won't actually need Amiga OS for oldschool games since Floppy-disk are autobooting. Amiga OS is (I think) in some sence a new OS - for modern Amigas.
The classic Amiga had an OS called workbench that often was placed in a cut-down form on the floppy-disk also containing a game.

If you pick up a used Amiga 500, 600 or 1200 - it will be pretty plug'n'play. Unlike the earlier c64, the system does'nt start up in a command-promt. It waits for you to insert a game-disk and then autostarts. In that way the Amiga was very similar to the game-consoles.

Most people selling them will sell them with games to, so there should be something to play immidiatly.
Old amigas has Amiga OS1-OS3.9 (at last count). Workbench was a graphical shell for these OSs. Oh yeah - it's a bit difficult to compare an Amiga to an ST, cos there really is no contest. The Amiga was far ahead of the ST with all its custom chips etc.

Amiga games were fantastic :)
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You contemplating on getting an Amiga one or a pegiOS system.

There was a time when I contemplated it but for now I'd have to say no. I got dissilusioned with all the buyouts and where they were supposed to go and by the time the amiga one was announced I was heavily into Quake III on the PC (still am actually)

To be honest my Amiga does all I need it to and the PC despite it's built in flaws does play a mean game. I've also got my GP32 and a couple of Palm PDAs for when the PC crashes piss me off too much ;)

Maybe if Amiga can continue building their ties with various manufacturers etc then you never know I could be tempted. I do check Amiga.com every month or two but the news seems to be so thin on the ground. A pity because the Amiga is still in some ways so far ahead of even the latest PCs.

I can still remember copying music demo disks ready for release by my mates tiny demo crew channel 14. We had an Amiga 500 with 3 external floppy drives copying 4 disks at once via an image in ram to the internal and 3 externals. Do that on a PC :) Remember we're talking circa 1988 here.
Axeman posted on May 10 2004 at 10:42 AM said:
Ringo posted on May 10 2004 at 12:33 PM said:
You won't actually need Amiga OS for oldschool games since Floppy-disk are autobooting. Amiga OS is (I think) in some sence a new OS - for modern Amigas.
The classic Amiga had an OS called workbench that often was placed in a cut-down form on the floppy-disk also containing a game.

If you pick up a used Amiga 500, 600 or 1200 - it will be pretty plug'n'play. Unlike the earlier c64, the system does'nt start up in a command-promt. It waits for you to insert a game-disk and then autostarts. In that way the Amiga was very similar to the game-consoles.

Most people selling them will sell them with games to, so there should be something to play immidiatly.
Old amigas has Amiga OS1-OS3.9 (at last count). Workbench was a graphical shell for these OSs. Oh yeah - it's a bit difficult to compare an Amiga to an ST, cos there really is no contest. The Amiga was far ahead of the ST with all its custom chips etc.

Amiga games were fantastic :)
yes...but which games? :rolleyes: like, a list of the top 10 games...what were the gfx like? not that it matters...i can't stand kids today "wow!look how cool this game looks"
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Yeh definately, the older games always seemed more playable to me jus down to their sheer fun and simplicity, nowadays like with my little brother hes amazed at what the graphics are like on games when the games themselves are actually shite, but that aside ther are some top class games being released tho!
I guess I could give I quick list of games on the top of my head, I consider worth trying out for Amiga(No particular order):

The Settlers (The original... with ability to play co-op... on one Amiga :P)
Moonstone (Blood 'n Gore)
Turrican 2 (It IS nothing like the SNES games)
Stardust (Astoroids... but just... more)
Project X (Hard... but great Shooter)
Super Frog (Fun platformer)
Worms (you know what it is)
Exile (only ever tried the demo... but it was fun)
Wings of Fury (just plain fun)
Nuclear War (Twisted apocolyptic humour)
Cannon Fodder (yeah, you know it)
Sensible World Of Soccer (best version)
Pinball Dreams (you know form your GP :lol:)
Pinball Fantasies (You'll hopefully get to know it for your GP)

As some may notice the games I've listed are those running on an ordinary A500 (well, maybe with 512 kb expansion). I didn't know any A1200 owners and thus not any enhanced games for that chipset... But now I will (when my CD32 arrives B) )

Again... If it's something you're considering spending money on, I surgest you try out some emulation first - just to check out what it is (Hell... I even did that before buying my GP32)

Found a few screenshots (just by google'ing):
At VG museum
The other places I found also provided disk images - which I would'nt be able to post.

And Again :P : Lots of legal Amiga stuff at BTTR. . . They're just not that good at providing screenshots <_<
BaDToaD posted on May 10 2004 at 07:34 PM said:
You contemplating on getting an Amiga one or a pegiOS system.

There was a time when I contemplated it but for now I'd have to say no. I got dissilusioned with all the buyouts and where they were supposed to go and by the time the amiga one was announced I was heavily into Quake III on the PC (still am actually)

To be honest my Amiga does all I need it to and the PC despite it's built in flaws does play a mean game. I've also got my GP32 and a couple of Palm PDAs for when the PC crashes piss me off too much ;)

Maybe if Amiga can continue building their ties with various manufacturers etc then you never know I could be tempted. I do check Amiga.com every month or two but the news seems to be so thin on the ground. A pity because the Amiga is still in some ways so far ahead of even the latest PCs.

I can still remember copying music demo disks ready for release by my mates tiny demo crew channel 14. We had an Amiga 500 with 3 external floppy drives copying 4 disks at once via an image in ram to the internal and 3 externals. Do that on a PC :) Remember we're talking circa 1988 here.
Hehe - Amiga aint even owned by Amiga Inc any more. Company called KMOS bought them out, and are probably gonna do a whole lot better job :P
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Ringo posted on May 10 2004 at 09:58 PM said:
Found a few screenshots (just by google'ing):
At VG museum
The other places I found also provided disk images - which I would'nt be able to post.
Heh... (going a bit off-topic)
Was just clicking around at VGmuseums screenshot section.

Now I don't know what system a "PC-98" is/was, but most of the titles seem to be hentai-ish...
A wank-o-matic game-system perhaps ? :P
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i'd go for vitual boy, it's pretty cool (for the first month), and it's something that not many people dont have. Also if you can get it for cheap (50$) then it'll be worth it cause now one of the games is selling for 4,000$. If you do decide to get a vitrual boy get galactic pinball, it's the best gme for it.
Hehe - Amiga aint even owned by Amiga Inc any more. Company called KMOS bought them out, and are probably gonna do a whole lot better job 

I've heard that one before. Oh well lets hope eh :)

What's their homepage? All I can find is this at kmos.com

This is the future home of KMOS Inc.

Contact us for more information.
geo12 posted on May 10 2004 at 05:35 PM said:
i'd go for vitual boy, it's pretty cool (for the first month), and it's something that not many people dont have. Also if you can get it for cheap (50$) then it'll be worth it cause now one of the games is selling for 4,000$. If you do decide to get a vitrual boy get galactic pinball, it's the best gme for it.
i already have a virtual boy... :rolleyes:
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I'm probably late for this but I'd recommend the Saturn. Just found one in a second-hand shop for £15, very tempted to get one (not sure if it's multi-region, but there are no real Saturn emulators...). Probably for the Sonic Compilation since it has an extra 3D level / fanstuff bonus thing, Sonic The Fighters, Sonic R, Panzer Dragoon Saga, NiGHTs etc...