A Little Shout To Gp32z


Apr 1, 2003
US when working, Brazil when vacationing!
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Just dropping by to share my experience with GP32Z - I bought a GP32 BLU from them, as well as a glass screen and and extra battery cover (those break easy).
I received my GP in a week after I placed the purchase. The GP arrived with a nifty ASR carrying case, earphones, two games and a screen cleaner. Plus, the glass screen came already mounted on the GP, which I really did not expect!
For those of you looking for a place to buy your GP... specially in the US - I do recommend you use their services.
I also recommend them, I bout my 166MHz BLU(last batch before +) from there as well as the glass screen mod and an SMC (I also got the gam Gloop DX for free) I was able to easily stay in contact with him the entire time. Oh ya I also later bought a chatboard from him too.
Just dropping by to share my experience with GP32Z - I bought a GP32 BLU from them, as well as a glass screen and and extra battery cover (those break easy).
I received my GP in a week after I placed the purchase. The GP arrived with a nifty ASR carrying case, earphones, two games and a screen cleaner. Plus, the glass screen came already mounted on the GP, which I really did not expect!
For those of you looking for a place to buy your GP... specially in the US - I do recommend you use their services.
I'm jealous now. A case, earphones, TWO GAMES...

I wish mine came with that :P
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I bought the glass screen from him a couple weeks ago. My BLU+ has never looked better. He is a very trustworthy and polite seller.
How hard is it to install the glass screen? Do you have to disassemble the screen?

I'm thinking of going with gp32z if I decide to buy this stuff, they seem to be a good place to go, especially when I develop more stuff for the beloved white handheld.
There is a quick way to install that I thought of to do mine. No need to remove the lcd to pop out the original screen.

Don't use screwdriver or a knife or you'll marr the casing. Find yourself a thin plastic card (not a credit card because they are too thick)...I used a video rental membership card, it was a perfect fit. Now, the idea is to use the card as a wedge to pry off the grey screen frame. Alternate inserting the card vertically in between the base of the screen frame and the plastic screen at all four inner sides, gently thrusting and leveraging the card. Go easy when using force because the frame plastic is real flimsy and easy to break. Eventually the double sided tape holding the frame on will let go.

Now you will see two horizontal slits just below the exposed screen. Take a corner of your plastic card and pry it off. Wipe your new glass down wth an optical cloth if necessary and have a can of compressed air to eliminate any fine dust particles that could have settled on the lcd face. Perfectly center the new glass screen. Reseat the screen frame using a couple strips of new double sided tape.

All done.