A lack of contributors


That's the way I like it
Apr 26, 2003
Is it just me, or is the GP32 scene full of people who want want want, but lacking in people who are prepared to contribute

A prime example is the GP32 diskmag, a quality idea that seems like is only going to have one edition as very few people have contributed.

Another one is my website. I am in desperate need of people to write short (and I mean short) reviews of GP32 software, but of the 1000s of people that visit this site no one was prepared to write a review

A community should be a place where people help each other out, rather than letting a few people do all the work. I don't want to seem like I am moaning, but it is just something that I feel needs to be addressed
Well, I can somewhat agree to your opinion, but the ones that likes to contribute, is really dedicated to it. An example is Rico, I would like to thank Rico for his amazing help on my GP32:zine. He's doing a fabulous job, he has already done one interview, there's another one in works, and he's prepared to do at least 3 more articles.

Thanks Rico! :)
would you be willing to accept reviews of emulators??!

unfortunately I don't own any official released games, but I am quite willing to contribute on review emu's and homebrew stuff...
Well, it may have something to do with the jobs:
When I'm at work, I once and then find the time to look at the forums and reply.
But writing a complete text takes a lot more time.
I'd like to do it (probably will when I have some time), but at the moment I don't even have the time to do anything with my GP32 as well (atm I'm working about 14-15 hours a day).

But, okay, I don't demand anything and already contributed some stuff here and then (I created a complex demo map for Gigas which will be included in the next release...)

Reviews of emulators, or anything homebrew would be brilliant, check my site to see what is needed
I know what your saying my problem is i cant program besides asp script :P

and i dont ask for anything but i wanted to give something back and i have done that with imappy

I saw that imappy is a great piece of software but problem is no1 will make maps so i made a few maps then went on and did a HUGE street by street map of london
after my other maps.

This is the only way i can give something back to the gp32 community (alltho i havent asked for anything yet) ad i even taken request from people to make maps

The Diskmag is the same thing as imappy Great software but without people doing content that makes the program usefull whats the use?

i was gonna grab the atari 2600 emu for the gp32 and download every game thats available (over 1000 games) and test each 1 out and write how it works if it has a problem like a graph glitch and how the sound is etc

but that would take a while so i might do that for my holidays.


Where can people get your maps from?

If you don't have a site of your own I would be happy to host them on my site :)
Like the other person i'd be more than happy to write reviews on non commercial games / software i really would like to learn how 2 program so i can give something back 2 the community in some form or other. At the moment i really cant do anything
oh yeah, although this isn't related really to this topic ;)

but I can also alpha/beta test any apps, emu's or games. I'm a s/w tester/support engineer by trade so I've got quite a bit of commercial experience!

Well.. just if anyone wants to get some testing done (which is always hated by engineers!! :P )
After reading this topic earlier, I thought i might try and write a game review.
I have now done a review for rallypop
You can get it fromHere
1 webpage and 4 pics in the zip file
If you think its any use and if i get chance Ill do a few more

there is also a few more wind-ups backgrounds Here

There isn't enough contribution, no... but hopefully when a few of the engines are released there'll be a bit more (e.g. Zardoz's platform script system, RPGP32, etc).

I fully intend to write something for the disk-mag, but not for the first issue.

Although that said, I could send in a story I wrote a while ago - ain't too bad, could keep a few people amused for 5 mins if they're into fantasy adventures. If you want me to, please ask...
You raise a good point, crazeeplaya. Most people on the net these days seem to consider it a free-for-all grab-bag. It's a shame. But I remember the days when shareware had to be BOUGHT on floppydisks, and bootlegging movies meant watching grainy, multigeneration copies.

There will always be more people giving than taking. Be glad that there are as many people actively involved in this as there are. That's WHY I like the GP32. Most of the people that own the things are at least a little computer savvy. :)
totally agree with crazeeplaya on this one...
@ Tobriand : send your story anyway... i'm sure someone will read it!

With the diskmag people want it but don't want to write for it. :(
I can't force people to write for it but its a diskmag on a GENERAL subject.

I don't care if its you moaning about your piles at least its something for people to read about! (unpleasant as it may be in the case of piles) ;)

You can write ANYthing you want... emulators, GP32 stuff, PC/console stuff ...

You do NOT need to be a programmer of any kind, all you need to do is be able to use a text editor and a keyboard!

So come on people... contribute to the diskmag and crazeeplaya. :angry:
We, and many others, give up our free time to keep you people amused.
If it wasn't for some people (too many to name!) giving up some of their free time you'd have a GP32 with nothing but duff Korean games on it!! :angry:
(infact you probably wouldn't even own one!)

Ok, i'm finished ranting now...
Wow this is some guilt trip your sending everybody on here. I'm trying so damn hard to learn code for GP32 at the moment I'm getting frequent headaches on top of everything else I have to do at the moment. Work other game projects etc.

Erm If I can think of something to write I WILL send it to you both I don't know how long it will take me but I'll get you something.
Hi All,

This is my first post so I wanted to introduce myself. I just purchased a gp32 from craigx but am still waiting for it to come via ups.

What pushed me to finally buy the gp32 might surprise you. The specs were great and sure it would be cool to play all the old console games on a portable (I started with a fairchild Channel F and a full table top pong machine when I was 8 in '78). But the thing that really sold me was the community. I went through and read most the messages on this forum and other gp forums and found it fascinating. I haven't seen this close-knit a community since I used to be a part of the amiga users groups. I have to say I am excited to be a part of it.

And when I get my gp32 I can't wait to try out all those great emulators and home-brew games. But I also feel compelled to contribute. Why? Because the community is so wonderful. That's why it surprises me a little that anyone would complain that we need more contributions. The gp32 must have the highest level of contribution per user of any console ever.

For my contribution I'm not sure what that will be yet. I am a professional programmer, formerly a video game programmer, so hopefully I can help out a little. I would probably like to work on an emulator, not sure which one yet. But the cost of my contributions will be high: I expect to see a big shot of robojoe's cat, this time being playful and happy :)

Hope everybody had a good 4th weekend!
You can rest assured that when I get my life straight (buying a house at the moment S T R E S S........!!!!), then I'll definitely be contributing. My posting on this board has even suffered in the last two weeks (who'd have thought it!), but I'll be back soon properly....

Thankyou for your patience :D :P
Just to plant some seeds ... I am not a programmer either (I dabble in VB for the PC, that's about it). There is no way I'm going to learn enough C to be able to program. That being said:

...when I first bought my GP32, Frodo beta 8 just came out. People complained that it was too complicated. I wrote an FAQ, which still lives on faq.gp32emu.com.

...people requested movies of games "in action" on the GP32. I made videos of those emulators in action, and posted them on the web. (See the link in my signature for those videos)

...people started GP32 diskmags (Slander is the one I knew of; I didn't know there were two). They asked for articles; I sent 2 in.

My point is, there are more things you can do than program. Maybe you can do graphics for a program in progress, or music, or maybe you can host websites, or write articles, or FAQs, or answer questions for newbies, or ... there's lots of ways to help out other than programming. That's my point.
Thanks crazeeplaya i sent the maps to the author of the imappy site

but his website has reverted back to like 3 weeks ago so its not on his page

and i posted a topic on imappy for people 2 request maps but when i got on 2 days later the thread was missing and i got no idea why :\ unless they thought i was asking for maps not willing to make them :( oh well

But flack knows how 2 give back

so what if he cant program he made reeviews for a great program to help it out so did i

i dont even own a gp iv been making maps and helping a few people out for almost a month and i havent even considered getting 1

but its my birthday 2morrow so i'll go order 1 then ;) hehe

I'm more than happy to contribute views and opinions, unfortunately I don't have the knowledge to do alot more! That doesn't mean however that all I am doing is take, take, take. This is a community and I find it very enjoyable to be part of it. I do feel gulity for not being able to code or program and contribute in that sort of way but I simply don't have the knowhow.

I do object to the inference that I therefore am not appreciative of the work others do, and I am sure there are many others in my position. I am also pushed for time due to my work and therefore only have time during the day to glance at the posts and add a quick reply or opinion. Only by people talking will some of us increase our knowledge and be able to contribute more in the suggested manner.