I Return.


Playful/Fascist Mod
Apr 18, 2003
Maryland, USA
I see I have a lot of catching up to do.

First off, some apologies:

- I must deeply apologize to hando for disappearing without notice. This was very irresponsible of me.

- I apologize to all those that PM'd me or emailed me.

Now, why I disappeared:

As some of you know, I am a college student. I graduate this Fall. Since I want to be the (*&^ over with college already, I had to seriously focus myself in Spring because I had some really hard classes. Now that the Spring semester is over (and the Summer semester begins so I can graduate in the Fall, ugh), I believe I can return to GP32Xtreme and possibly GP32 coding. I also suck as a college student, because I think most of my professors are idiots who care more about far more about their research then actually teaching their classes.

I can't blame this all on school though. I also got seriously, seriously addicted to DAoC (Dark Age of Camelot) around late January. MMORPG Addiction + School = No RL. Part of me knew this would happen when I first played DAoC (I have a history with MMORPG addiction), but I took the plunge anyway. Now the glamour of the game is dying down I will have more time available.

Some people emailed me about the status of my FFT Remake for GP32. Well lemme tell you, I haven't done a lick of work since about late Febuary. I had to design my own development tools for the remake and it was becoming very tedious and extremely frustrating. I'm not a wiz programmer like mr. spiv, so miracle code can take over a week or more to spurt out after long, frustrating sessions of trial & error. I'll look at what tools and code are available now to tell you the feesibility of getting it done even sometime this year. If I feel it's taking too long I'll release what I have done so far (which relatively isn't much) so other people may be able to use my cool object-oriented design or something.

So in short, I suck for leaving without notice, but I'm back anyway. I missed you all and coding for the GP32 too much :(

Edit: Oh, I also used some time to start my own web hosting / tech support / computer maintenance business.
mr spiv? you've been out way too long, he's been dead for 30 years!


(joke! XD ne way nice to see you again :P although you prolly don't know who the devil I am)
Thanks, I have all the sprites. Don't know what the hell I'm going to do to get the textures, since they are in some type of format unknown to even FFTastic people right now. And I don't know what they did with the buildings, trees, etc. Seems they are either type in some unknown file type, or are rendered on-the-fly.

The engine I am making is going to be open source and modular, so it could be used for any game...hopefully. Right now I think it looks nice, but I'm still stuck on loading bitmaps ^^; Like I said, mr. spiv (or rlyeh, yoyofr, etc.) I am not.

Just in case I disappear again, lemme go ahead and upload the code I have so far so others may mock my poor coding skills and weird paradigms.
My little brother killed my favorite SMC card, I may need to buy a new one :( Already tried formatting it via a card reader and the GP32 still won't recognize it. Trying a recovery format now.

Edit: Oh, and I'll be selling my current GP32 FLU to a friend, so I'll be ordering a new GP32 BLU it seems like.

You know I just noticed something...if you you have a Front-Lit Unit you have the flu, but if you have a Back-Lit Unit then you're blue.
Welcome back generalnmx, Thought you left for good. :o
Lots have gone on and changed since you`ve been away.

I think Axeman still holds the record for the most amount of posts. :P
least one thing hasn`t changed. :lol:

Well, I can't make that grand of a return but, ta-daaaa I am back too. (**crowd silenced).

Yeah, its true I ve been away from the Gp32 community for over 3-5 months I think.
Mainly, because I was unemployed, and really doing some soul searching.

I remember Everyone had a plan to keep the GP32zine going, but alas I think I helped make that comeback null and void. And for that, I greatly apologize.

I hope everyone who remembers me well, can also welcome me back without hard feelings or retribution.
This time I plan to stay for the duration.
Hopefully help the Gp32 community get back to where it was (at least what I remember it as).
gp32_console 4 ever