Ask A Favour...

1) 23
2) 1989
3) Sega Master System
4) RPG/TBS/adventure
5) fSMS
6) 1991-1995
7) 6
8) 1<x<2
9) 2<x<3
10) 2<x<3 (chatting, music creation, coding, sorting out collections of roms... ;))
1. 17
2. 4?
3. PS2 right now
4. RPG I guess. Strategies are in there too
5. Emulators. snes
6. 1991-1995
7. 70ish I guess
8. 2≤x<3 it averages out at I think
9. 2≤x<3 it'd also average at
10. 3≤x<4
1. 34

2. Hmmm gaming, tricky one. About the time pacman came out 80,81?

3. Gotta be Snes for the rpg's :)

4. Rpg

5. GPdrive cos it makes life so much easier (and I'm too tight to buy a card reader £5? I could buy a couple of pints and some pork scratchings for that :P)

6. 1980 - 1985

7. actual carts 0, games on my smc about 20

8. 6+ (I work 12 hours night shifts and probably play my GP for more than 6 hours a shift alone :D )

9. Go out ?, depends on what I have to do, not counting work between 2-6 hours sometimes more (Hell this weekend I've practically lived in the pub)

10. Hmm I tend to only play stuff that can't be emulated on the GP (Mame etc) and watch films (wife watches too many soaps :P ) so again varies say between 1-3 hours