A good Wysiwyg editor


It's a ball.
Jul 31, 2008
Stockholm, Sweden
Visit site
Well, I'm not complaining about the phpBB post editing system, but the whole page would seem more modern, and less people would make ugly posts if we had a Wysiwyg editor for this forum.

BTW: This forum is really starting out pretty good!
Hmm... I haven't posted in these forums yet so, let me see... it's... different... in a way I don't know what it is but it feels weird... Hey, no white Pandora? :confused: No big deal...

Oh I think I'll get used to this, I hope.

Hey dflemstr, no more greasemonkey script eh? heheh :lol: . I don't know what is that Wysiwyg editor you mention, info about it?
(Gah, have to get used to the reply button being to the left)

WYSIWYG = what you see is what you get, think of OpenOffice.Org vs writing raw HTML in a text editor. In OOo you can see how your document is going to look like while you are composing it, while in a HTML text editor, you just see the HTML code.
Same thing here; when you click the bold button, the BBCode for bold appears, instead of just making the text bold.
Oh yeah, like the Rich Text Editor in the other boards... Maybe in the options there's also something like that? I'll check it out.
gp2.eXe said:
Oh yeah, like the Rich Text Editor in the other boards... Maybe in the options there's also something like that? I'll check it out.
Already looked for it. First thing I do in a forum, is to check all the options out.
And I was practically born in phpBB so I know my way around this :p
One thing I remember from phpBB is that it wasn't very user friendly and/or modern. Oh well.
There is no wysiwyg editor built in. I'm only able to find one mod that adds this feature (and quick post). It seems serviceable, if not 100% complete. Hopefully it will work out.
dflemstr said:
gp2.eXe said:
Oh yeah, like the Rich Text Editor in the other boards... Maybe in the options there's also something like that? I'll check it out.
Already looked for it. First thing I do in a forum, is to check all the options out.
And I was practically born in phpBB so I know my way around this :p
One thing I remember from phpBB is that it wasn't very user friendly and/or modern. Oh well.
Yep, noticed that now...

Hey, Chip's link works! Woohoo! :lol:
Chip said:
There is no wysiwyg editor built in. I'm only able to find one mod that adds this feature (and quick post). It seems serviceable, if not 100% complete. Hopefully it will work out.
It looks OK, but hopefully it's possible to disable the font changing feature. It could be very annoying in forums to have that feature, especially since cross-platform fonts are nonexistent afaik, and users tend to find various exploits with certain UTF-8 characters to expand their signature space significantly.
gp2.eXe said:
javaJake said:
The less people know how to write in big, bold, red, Courier letters, the better. ;)
Totally agree with that. :wink:
Well, yeah, you can't really do any harm with font sizes here, since the upper font size limit is at 200 (whatever units the font sizes are measured in here).
I was more talking about vertical tabs, form feeds and the like that can be ugly in certain standard Microsoft not-so-bugfree fonts.

Anyways, when can we hope to get the option of having a WYSIWYG editor enabled?