A Few Questions From A Newbie.


Still Fresh
Sep 21, 2006
I've been reading up on the GP2X for awhile now and I'm almost ready to order one but first I had a few questions to ask.

1) One of the main emu I'd be using on it is the SNES one, I noticed there are a few of them available and was wonderying how well they work, I know I saw the video of it running Mario World but what about other games. I'm intersted in knowing if most RPG's work good, such as Secret of Mana. For the PSP SoM had a few problems originaly. I guess if someone had a list of games that were unplayable that'd help.

2) Battery life, I've heard 6-15 hours is this just dependent on what Fimware you have?

Anyway i guess that is all the questions I really have atm, Thanks for any help and sorry if this is in the wrong place.
kouran posted on Sep 21 2006 at 05:34 PM said:
I've been reading up on the GP2X for awhile now and I'm almost ready to order one but first I had a few questions to ask.

1) One of the main emu I'd be using on it is the SNES one, I noticed there are a few of them available and was wonderying how well they work, I know I saw the video of it running Mario World but what about other games. I'm intersted in knowing if most RPG's work good, such as Secret of Mana. For the PSP SoM had a few problems originaly. I guess if someone had a list of games that were unplayable that'd help.

2) Battery life, I've heard 6-15 hours is this just dependent on what Fimware you have?

Anyway i guess that is all the questions I really have atm, Thanks for any help and sorry if this is in the wrong place.

At the moment, Secret of Mana works alot better than it did. Its not perfect, meaning its still not full speed, but its playable with squidge's mmu hack. Ever since that has been implemented, most games are very playable. For a list of playable games, I think you can check the Wiki, if somebody could provide the correct link, it should be in there.

2. 6-15 hours?? that's pushing it. High capacity batteries should get you a maximum of five hours, maybe a little more, but not 15, I dunno who said that. The firmware should not matter really, its not dependant on battery life. The only thing that would affect it is ovrclocking, which alot of people do, without any major problems..
A good pair of 2500mah rechargeables should work fine though.

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snes9x is a little better than squidges because of the graphics overlapping in squidge.
dsraa posted on Sep 21 2006 at 12:54 PM said:
For a list of playable games, I think you can check the Wiki, if somebody could provide the correct link, it should be in there.

if you're going to take the time to reply to someones post please don't pull out half way through ... link them up when you point them somewhere!

i quickly googled & the wiki's @


snes stuff specifically @


thanks :)
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(Please, I do not wish to be flamed, but...) I think if the main thing you want is SNES emulation you might want to wait until the XGP and XGP mini comes out (possibly next year). They look like they would be better suited for it (graphically speaking).

And as far as the battery life goes,.. you might get close to 15 if you are only playing music with the screen turned off (but really,.. I doubt it).

Here's a list for Squidges SNES emulator.
DawnOfTheRent posted on Sep 21 2006 at 08:09 PM said:
(Please, I do not wish to be flamed, but...) I think if the main thing you want is SNES emulation you might want to wait until the XGP and XGP mini comes out (possibly next year). They look like they would be better suited for it (graphically speaking).
I think it's premature to assume something like that (that GP2X can't handle it and that XGP will run it better).
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shinneri posted on Sep 21 2006 at 08:39 PM said:
DawnOfTheRent posted on Sep 21 2006 at 08:09 PM said:
(Please, I do not wish to be flamed, but...) I think if the main thing you want is SNES emulation you might want to wait until the XGP and XGP mini comes out (possibly next year). They look like they would be better suited for it (graphically speaking).
I think it's premature to assume something like that (that GP2X can't handle it and that XGP will run it better).

'specially since NK's emu has transparencies now. Something a lot of folks overlook (I for one don't mind overclocking if need be)
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aapje89 posted on Sep 21 2006 at 04:44 PM said:
Alex. posted on Sep 21 2006 at 10:33 PM said:
Haha 6-15 hours, let's be sensible here...

- Alex
the gp32 could run for 12 hours...
Correction: it could run for days on end, on a power supply that is.

- Alex
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