Few Questions (from A Noob)


Still Fresh
Dec 9, 2007
I have just recently ordered a GP2X F-200, a cradle, and a case.(Has not arrived yet) I have a few questions.

1. What else do I need to hook it to my tv/monitor?
2. Is Blood Cross in the package? If not where can I get it from?
3. I want to join a preexisting GP2X developer team. Where can I find one?
4. What happened to the XGP?

Thanks :D
1. you need a cable to plug into the cradle. Not sure which type of connector it is but I think it's composite... should be in the wiki.
2. Sorry don't know...
3. On this forum you are pretty much right. There is a bunch of people trying to develop stuff. Have a look into the cool ideas section for project ideas. You can pretty much always find someone to work together with if you spark some interest.
4. Well... gamepark went bancrupt and the xgp turned out to be vapourware. But we still have gamepark holdings who released the gp2x F-100 and F-200 so we are all good ^^.
The cradle doesn't come with any wires, INCLUDING the power adapter =s

So you'll need

- A stereo RCA cable for audio.
- A SVideo cable (if your TV doesn't have it, you'll need a SVideo->Composite adapter).
- A Power supply if you want to use the usb hub with powered devices, or if you don't want to waste batteries while on TV mode... (You need an adapter that outputs at 5v 2a... polarity is not specified).

xcen said:
- A Power supply if you want to use the usb hub with powered devices, or if you don't want to waste batteries while on TV mode... (You need an adapter that outputs at 5v 2a... polarity is not specified).
Center positive for cradle
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