A Few Questions Before Buying A Gp2x


Still Fresh
May 26, 2008
Hi everyone. I recently sold my fat PSP because I needed extra money in my pocket for other matters. But over time I've been able to get some extra cash and now I'm now trying to decide between a PSP Slim, Tapwave Zodiac or GP2X. For the past few days I have been reviewing every bit of info I could find on the three systems, and I am really leaning towards a PSP Slim but there are still a few things I am wondering about the GP2X. Please note that these questions are referring to the F-200 model:

1. Has the touchscreen been implemented into any emulators yet?

2. Can the GP2X read other memory card formats through adapters (micro SD, mini SD etc) or will I have to buy a regular SD card?

3. Finally, my most important matter: the battery life. This is the one thing that is turning me down from the GP2X, if it used a standard LI battery I would have bought it in a heartbeat. I plan on using the system mostly for emulators and MP3, and I know people recommend 2500 mAh batteries, but they still only get about 3 hours of battery life. And to my knowledge there aren't any (simple) battery mods to increase the life span.

I'm sorry if this is in the wrong board, mods please move it if necessary. Thanks everyone in advance. :)
2500mAh rechargables get more than 3 hrs (I get about 6/7 but it varies.) Also, if you're using mp3, you can underclock and extend that pretty far.

In addition, if there's one thing I've noticed in comparing the PSP and the GP2x is the community support. The GP2x has a central forum for all of your problems and needs (right here :)), the PSP doesn't necessarily have that, being a commercial system.
i own a zodiac and it use stylus for menu in emu. i didnt find the battery of the zodiac really great. maybe 3 hours if i remember well.

but the zodiac is a PALM with emu and some commercial games. if you need a palm its great one.
psp runs emu better than Zodiac, the control is better too but the resolution (Picture quality) is not good like zodiac.
gp2x i dont know much, but the gp32 blu was great for emu except for snes emu.

ask someone else for gp2x

but for me the zodiac has the better design of the 3. it was so nice to see it in real. and the resolution is great. and unlike psp and gp32 you can see very well outside, not perfect, but its fine
The only emulator I know of with touchscreen support is ScummVM (which isn't really an emu), there could be a couple more. There aren't really that many games with touchscreen support. I got my F200 because I wanted the new touchscreen and Dpad, and I thought it was a waste of money. I could've just modded my F100's stick and had the same thing. I don't feel I'm missing out on anything though. I've got 2500mA AA's which last a good 4-5 hours for me, but I always keep a spare set in my pocket. (I feel like I'm rambling now.)
If you decide to get the GP2X, get the F100, you can find them for a lot cheaper than the F200, and you basically get the same thing.
I also have a PSP slim, and I'm finding that I'm playing it less and less since I got my GP2X. The GP2X always has great new games coming out for free, as well as awesome emulators (NES, SNES, MAME, GBA, PSX (although very slow) etc.)
I've never seen a Zodiac (that's the PDA one right?) so I can't say anything about it.

In short:
Get the GP2X if you want homebrew and emulators,
Get the PSP if you want commercial games.
I get about 4 hours of battery life on my F200 with 2500mah rechargeables for mainly playing games, movies, etc. Almost no software supports the touch screen, and those that do are normally buggy and are inaccurate. The new firmware might have improved the accuracy issue but it broke support for all the current programs :( .

Emulators in my experience generally work better on the Gp2x than PSP (because of screen size, processors, accuracy, etc).
renejr902 said:
but i really think snes emu runs really better on psp. but except that i suppose gp2x is better for emulation.
The GP2X's screen is much better for emulation, and it runs most games fullspeed (with the notable exception of Starfox-which doesn't work at all). I don't know why you think it's better, but I imagine it's performance, not visuals.
Anyways, let's not turn this into a debate about which is better.
I just thought I'd point that out, so he doesn't run out a buy a PSP for the SNES emu thinking it's crap on the GP2X.
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Everything sounds good, I guess I will go with the GP2X. Although I hear that the analog stick is very unresponsive and you have to move it pretty far out in order to get a response out of it. I'm also not really digging the black color but I can live with it. One more thing before I make a purchase, does anyone know about the SD cards? Mini and Micro SD's are a lot cheaper than standard SD's so I need to know if I have to shell out some extra cash on more memory. Thanks.
Slick said:
I hear that the analog stick is very unresponsive
It's not analog OR a stick (F100 had a stick)

Slick said:
I'm also not really digging the black color but I can live with it.
It's not black. F200 is white.

Slick said:
does anyone know about the SD cards? Mini and Micro SD's are a lot cheaper
No mini or micro SD unless you have a converter.
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Ok, everything sounds good. Now I just need to decide between an F100 and F200.
Slick said:
Ok, everything sounds good. Now I just need to decide between an F100 and F200.
You said you don't like black, so get a F200, which is white :P ;)
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Yeah, I know the d-pad is better for emulators and whatnot, but I realized I'm going to be playing a lot of Doom and Hexen, so I'm thinking the analog stick would be better for that.
Slick said:
Yeah, I know the d-pad is better for emulators and whatnot, but I realized I'm going to be playing a lot of Doom and Hexen, so I'm thinking the analog stick would be better for that.
Sorry to repeat what has already been said, But none of the GP32 or GP2x consoles have ever had and never will have an analogue stick, They are all digital sticks and D-pads, Ok!. :)

Just thought i`d clear that up.

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I'm just saying I prefer the stick over the d-pad for Doom and Hexen. However I think I'm going to go with the F200. :)
Slick said:
Hi everyone. I recently sold my fat PSP because I needed extra money in my pocket for other matters. But over time I've been able to get some extra cash and now I'm now trying to decide between a PSP Slim, Tapwave Zodiac or GP2X. For the past few days I have been reviewing every bit of info I could find on the three systems, and I am really leaning towards a PSP Slim but there are still a few things I am wondering about the GP2X. Please note that these questions are referring to the F-200 model:
I guess we should ask what you want to emulate?

To me it is between the PSP and GP2X. The Zodiac is a dead end system at this point for emus, there are many that are on the Gp2X that never made it on that. The batteries aren't to easy to get/replace either.

Also do you want commercial games? If so the PSP is better. The PSP is also better if you want PSX or GBA. The Gp2X has a better matched screen resolution for most of the older 16 bit systems though.
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Also forgot to ask, what is the MP3 player like? Like I said I had the PSP for a while so I'm used to that layout (shoulder buttons to skip prev/next, d-pad to foward/rewind) I'm just wondering if switching between songs and folders will be simple.
Slick said:
Hi everyone. I recently sold my fat PSP because I needed extra money in my pocket for other matters. But over time I've been able to get some extra cash and now I'm now trying to decide between a PSP Slim, Tapwave Zodiac or GP2X. For the past few days I have been reviewing every bit of info I could find on the three systems, and I am really leaning towards a PSP Slim but there are still a few things I am wondering about the GP2X. Please note that these questions are referring to the F-200 model:

1. Has the touchscreen been implemented into any emulators yet?

2. Can the GP2X read other memory card formats through adapters (micro SD, mini SD etc) or will I have to buy a regular SD card?

3. Finally, my most important matter: the battery life. This is the one thing that is turning me down from the GP2X, if it used a standard LI battery I would have bought it in a heartbeat. I plan on using the system mostly for emulators and MP3, and I know people recommend 2500 mAh batteries, but they still only get about 3 hours of battery life. And to my knowledge there aren't any (simple) battery mods to increase the life span.

I'm sorry if this is in the wrong board, mods please move it if necessary. Thanks everyone in advance. :)

to answer your question on different card formats, yes microsd cards (both standard and sdhc) work fine with the sd adapters. i have a bunch of different sized microsd and microsdhc cards and they work fine with the sd adapters in my f200 ( B ).

i have a vast assortment of sd and sdhc cards and haven't found any that don't work yet with my f200 ( B ). i also have tried several different usb keydrives and they work fine also through my cradle. the sd and microsd usb adapters also work fine through the cradle.
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