A Few Little Things I Would Like To See....


Still Fresh
Jun 13, 2004
1. .fxe exporter. I would like to sell my work and thiis way i could not have people "fiddeling" with my creaton

2. GIGAS PLAYER. if the above option is not a valible than a program that played the game will be nice. Please make the text and graphics changerble.

3. someone having ago at a platform game. I am sure its possible.

:ph34r: gp32_console :ph34r: gp32_console :ph34r: gp32_console :ph34r:

Good Luck!

:ph34r: gp32_console :ph34r: gp32_console :ph34r: gp32_console :ph34r:
Pirotic said that if you sent your game to him, he'd make it a fxe.

I tried a platform game. it sucked. All you could do is walk around streets of rage style, althogh you couldn't jump, or pick up items. there was only 1 attack.

Ill try again sumtime
1. .fxe exporter. I would like to sell my work and thiis way i could not have people "fiddeling" with my creaton
I think u will find it hard to sell a game to the GP32 community unless you code it yourself

If u look at Q-Wi-Qs RPG, which he will probably be giving away for free, it is highly unlikely people will pay for a similar thing, just thoguht u shold know b4 u started
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I think it's unfair to make money on a game compiled by another person's engine... oh, and no one will pay not as long as there's projects that are free :)

@Pof: try again when pirotic has the skill system coded :)

btw: people, really don't expect too much of my project O.o I try my best but it's not supergreat :)
Ok. thanks for clearing that up.
What about

1. Mutiplayer. That explains its self

2. Resident Evil style game?

Just wondering? :blink:
I have to say, I beg to differ, though I do think Pirotic ought to charge a licensing fee if Gigas is used in a commercial product. If there's a demo of a game, and its good enough, it could well convince people to buy the full one - consider Gloop Deluxe. But it would need to be particularly good, or particularly singular, inasfar as it was the only project actually complete and available, in order to do so.

Also, I do believe there is an intended password support and encryption intended for the final version, so you'll just be able to stick one of those on it, or even a complete lock, and go with that...

i made the set for point and click adventures.

Get the link from the site in my sig.
Pirotic has already coded RF link support, but only has 1 gp32, so he cant test it out much
funnily enough, i think i remeber pirotic saying ssomething about that before he left the scene before...
GP32 + usb + modem + direct IP suport = a much more active community on the site , people cud post a game name they wish to play , then someone cud PM there IP and then they cud link and play that game.

sounds like it cud work , but wud the interface be on the GP32 or on the desktop ?

hmm any ideas on that ?
let's keep the talk Gigas-related here, please...

in other news: GP32? online? doubt it.

i made the set for point and click adventures.

Get the link from the site in my sig.
I can see that took you a long time

have u got any attacke sets for it

+ if u wanted to sell it u wud struggle to encode it, ths meaning one person could buy it and just give it 2 everyone else
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i was going to do a serial thing, where you send me the name of your GP32 and it gives you a serial which will only work on that GP32 - so unless other people have a GP32 with the same name, nobody else can run it.